Creating A Responsive & Filterable Image Gallery with jQuery

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Creating A Responsive & Filterable Image Gallery with jQuery

Filterable jQuery Gallery is a jQuery plugin helps you categorize, reorder and filter a responsive grid of photos with a basic shuffling animation. 

See also:

How to use it:

1. Include jQuery javascript library and jQuery filterable gallery plugin's script at the end of your document.

<script src=""></script>
<script src="inc/gallery.js"></script>

2. Include the required jQuery filterable gallery plugin's stylesheet in the head section of your document.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="inc/gallery.css">

3. Markup html structure. You need to set the data-category attributes so that the plugin can identify same elements within source and destination collections.

<div class="gallery">

<div class="filter">
<div> <span>Filter photos by categories: </span> 
<a href="#" class="sortLink selected" data-category="all">All</a> 
<a href="#" class="sortLink" data-category="city">City</a> 
<a href="#" class="sortLink" data-category="lake">Lake</a>
<div class="clear_floats"></div>

<div class="photos">
<div class="thumbnail_wrap"> 

<a href="photos/city-1.jpg" class="thumbnail" data-categories="city" title="City Photo 1 Caption"> 
<img src="photos/city-1-thumbnail.jpg" alt="City 1"> 

<a href="photos/city-2.jpg" class="thumbnail" data-categories="city" title="City Photo 2 Caption"> 
<img src="photos/city-2-thumbnail.jpg" alt="City 2"> 

<a href="photos/city-3.jpg" class="thumbnail" data-categories="city" title="City Photo 3 Caption"> 
<img src="photos/city-3-thumbnail.jpg" alt="City 3"> 

<a href="photos/lake-1.jpg" class="thumbnail" data-categories="lake" title="Lake Photo 1 Caption"> 
<img src="photos/lake-1-thumbnail.jpg" alt="Lake 1"> 

<a href="photos/lake-2.jpg" class="thumbnail" data-categories="lake" title="Lake Photo 2 Caption"> 
<img src="photos/lake-2-thumbnail.jpg" alt="Lake 2"> 

<a href="photos/lake-3.jpg" class="thumbnail" data-categories="lake" title="Lake Photo 3 Caption"> 
<img src="photos/lake-3-thumbnail.jpg" alt="Lake 3"> 



This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by MilanPetrovic. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.