jQuery Plugin For Sorting, Paginating, Filtering Any Content - jplist
File Size: | 29.7 MB |
Views Total: | 49525 |
Last Update: | |
Publish Date: | |
Official Website: | Go to website |
License: | MIT |
jplist is a powerful and flexible jQuery plugin that enables you to sort, paginate, filter any Html content like tables, lists, div elements etc...
- Ascending and descending sorting
- Alphanumeric and numeric sorting
- Sorting by date and time
- Auto pagination
- Any number of textbox filters
- Any number of drop down filters
- Checkbox and radio button filters
- Data sources: PHP + MySQL, ASP.NET + Sql Server, PHP + SQLite
- Supports local storage and cookies
- Grid/list view demo page
- Fully customizable styles
- Works in all major browsers
- SEO friendly
- Annotated source code
Getting Started:
1. Include the jQuery javascript library and the jQuery jplist plugin's javascript and CSS in the document.
<link href="css/jplist.min.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <script src="js/jplist.min.js"></script>
2. Usages:
<script type="text/javascript"> $('document').ready(function(){ $('#demo').jplist({ //enable/disable logging information: if firebug is installed the debuging information will be displayed in the firebug console debug: false //main options ,itemsBox: '.list' //items container jQuery path ,itemPath: '.list-item' //jQuery path to the item within the items container ,panelPath: '.panel' //panel jQuery path ,noResults: '.jplist-no-results' //'no reaults' section jQuery path ,redrawCallback: '' //'redraw callback' function occurs on every jplist action like sort, filter, pagination etc. Click here to see a demo. ,iosBtnPath: '.jplist-ios-button' //animate to top - enabled by data-control-animate-to-top="true" attribute in control ,animateToTop: 'html, body' ,animateToTopDuration: 0 //in milliseconds (1000 ms = 1 sec) //animation effects ,effect: '' //'', 'fade' ,duration: 300 ,fps: 24 //save plugin state with storage ,storage: '' //'', 'cookies', 'localstorage' ,storageName: 'jplist' ,cookiesExpiration: -1 //cookies expiration in minutes (-1 = cookies expire when browser is closed) //deep linking ,deepLinking: false ,delimiter0: ':' //this delimiter is placed after the control name ,delimiter1: '|' //this delimiter is placed between key-value pairs ,delimiter2: '~' //this delimiter is placed between multiple value of the same key ,delimiter3: '!' //additional delimiter //history ,historyLength: 10 //data source ,dataSource: { type: 'html' //'html', 'server' //data source server side ,server: { //ajax settings ajax:{ url: 'server.php' ,dataType: 'html' ,type: 'POST' //,cache: false } ,serverOkCallback: null ,serverErrorCallback: null } } //panel controls ,controlTypes: { 'default-sort':{ className: 'DefaultSort' ,options: {} } ,'drop-down':{ className: 'Dropdown' ,options: {} } ,'pagination-info':{ className: 'PaginationInfo' ,options: {} } ,'counter':{ className: 'Counter' ,options: { ignore: '[~!@#$%^&*()+=`\'"\/\\_]+' //[^a-zA-Z0-9]+ not letters/numbers: [~!@#$%^&*\(\)+=`\'"\/\\_]+ } } ,'pagination':{ className: 'Pagination' ,options: { //paging range: 7 ,jumpToStart: false //arrows ,prevArrow: '‹' ,nextArrow: '›' ,firstArrow: '«' ,lastArrow: '»' } } ,'reset':{ className: 'Reset' ,options: {} } ,'select':{ className: 'Select' ,options: {} } ,'textbox':{ className: 'Textbox' ,options: { eventName: 'keyup' ,ignore: '[~!@#$%^&*()+=`\'"\/\\_]+' //[^a-zA-Z0-9]+ not letters/numbers: [~!@#$%^&*\(\)+=`\'"\/\\_]+ } } ,'views':{ className: 'Views' ,options: {} } ,'checkbox-group-filter':{ className: 'CheckboxGroupFilter' ,options: {} } ,'checkbox-text-filter':{ className: 'CheckboxTextFilter' ,options: { ignore: '' //regex for the characters to ignore, for example: [^a-zA-Z0-9]+ } } ,'button-filter':{ className: 'ButtonFilter' ,options: {} } ,'button-filter-group':{ className: 'ButtonFilterGroup' ,options: {} } ,'button-text-filter':{ className: 'ButtonTextFilter' ,options: { ignore: '[~!@#$%^&*()+=`\'"\/\\_]+' //[^a-zA-Z0-9]+ not letters/numbers: [~!@#$%^&*\(\)+=`\'"\/\\_]+ } } ,'button-text-filter-group':{ className: 'ButtonTextFilterGroup' ,options: { ignore: '[~!@#$%^&*()+=`\'"\/\\_]+' //[^a-zA-Z0-9]+ not letters/numbers: [~!@#$%^&*\(\)+=`\'"\/\\_]+ } } ,'radio-buttons-filters':{ className: 'RadioButtonsFilter' ,options: {} } ,'range-filter':{ className: 'RangeSliderToggleFilter' ,options: {} } ,'back-button':{ className: 'BackButton' ,options: {} } ,'preloader':{ className: 'Preloader' ,options: {} } } }); }); </script>
3. Panel Controls Attributes.
- data-control-type="type": panel control type like 'drop-down', 'textbox', 'pagination'
- data-control-name="name": panel control name. It should be the same in the top and bottom panels.
- data-control-action="action": panel control action like 'sort', 'filter', 'paging'.
- data-control-storage="false": exclude control from storage (when cookies/localstorage is enabled)
- data-control-deep-link="false": exclude control from deep link (when deep linking is enabled)
- data-control-animation="false": exclude control from animation effects
- data-control-animate-to-top="true": perform "animate to top" effect for the given control; as a rule, used in bottom panel
Change logs:
- Fixed issue within jplist.core-ajax.min.js
- Customize pagination for << < > >> for the visually impaired
- Fixed data-selected="false" on sort buttons not working
- Fixed Text-filter issue with Google Chrome.
- Range filter multiple numbers support is added
- added clear button to the store locator autocomplete
- Fixed Failure after empty the list and appending a new item
- added clear button to textbox filter
- added support for typing delay to textbox filter
- pagination dropdown fix for view all
- v5.2.0
- bugfix
- added possibility to ad cotrnol dynamically
- fixed Button Text Filter on image attribute
- added possibility to get a list of source files using node
- v5.0.0
- Fixed Deeplink not working for pagination control.
- added multiple sort to the sort bundle
- fixed issue with reset button in jquery ui bundle
- update add / del API: now it's possible to add / del range of items
- added mode (startsWith, endsWith, contains and advanced) to the text filter controls
- added default value in jQuery UI Date Picker Range Filter Control
- fixed deep links in pagination bundle
- deep links support moved to the separate service; added hashStart option
- fixed issue with default values in jquery ui range slider control
- fixed Call to a member function fetchColumn() on a non-object
- fixed deep linking issue in filter dropdown bundle
- fixed issue in deep linking in radio buttons control
- added and, or, not operators to the text search controls and bundles
- fixed issue with 'exclude from storage' attribute
- fixed issue with textbox control default value
- fixed issue with deep links in date-picker-range-filter
- fixed issue with checkbox filter in php data sources
- fixed jplist events structure; fixed issues with exclude from storage data attribute.
- added jquery ui date picker filter control
This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by 1rosehip. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.