Free jQuery Sort Plugins
All the Free jQuery Plugins about 'Sort' are listed here.
Create A Sortable and Filterable Grid of Items - Shuffle
- Layout - 35161 ViewsShuffle is a responsive jQuery plugin for categorizing your grid of items to make them sortable, searchable and filterable.
Easy Draggable & Reorderable jQuery Plugin - dragSort.js
- Other - 2011 ViewsAn easy-to-use jQuery plugin that enables users to reorder items in a specific container via drag and drop.
jQuery Plugin To Add Sort Animation To jQuery UI Sortable
- Other - 7891 ViewsA super tiny jQuery plugin that uses CSS3 transforms and transitions to add smooth sort animations to jQuery UI sortable().
Sortable and Collapsible Tree View Plugin For jQuery - Sortable Lists
- Other - 15028 ViewsA jQuery plugin that enables items in a list to be sorted vertically through drag and drop or touch gestures.
Mobile-friendly Drag And Drop Plugin With jQuery - draganddrop.js
- Other - 34631 Viewsdraganddrop.js is a jQuery drag and drop plugin that enables sortable and draggable functionalities on any DOM elements without requiring the jQuery UI library.
Sort Tables Alphabetically - jQuery sortableTable.js
- Table - 2689 ViewsA basic, fast jQuery sortable table plugin that makes it possible to sort the columns in an HTML table alphabetically by clicking headers.
Sort An Array Of Numbers Correctly With jQuery num-sort Plugin
- Other - 1707 ViewsThe jQuery num-sort plugin provides a custom sort function that allows you to sort an array of numbers correctly in descending or ascending order.
jQuery Wrapper For Sortable.js JavaScript Library
- Other - 1621 ViewsA wrapper around the SortableJS JavaScript library that helps you create reorderable drag-and-drop lists in your jQuery project.
Easy Drag and Drop Plugin For jQuery - dad.js
- Other - 7262 Viewsdad.js is a simple and easy-to-use jQuery plugin which enables drag and drop functionality on a group of DOM elements with just one JS call.
Flexible Client-Side Table Sorting Plugin - tablesorter
- Table - 22036 Viewstablesorter is a jQuery plugin for turning a standard HTML table with THEAD and TBODY tags into a sortable table without page refreshes and any server-side code.
Create Draggable & Sortable List In jQuery - Dragsort
- Other - 10075 Viewsdragsort is a simple, configurable, touch-enabled jQuery sortable plugin which enables items inside an html list to be sorted via drag and drop and/or touch events.
Filter & Sort A Group Of Elements Using jQuery Drizzle Plugin
- Other - 1929 ViewsDrizzle is a small, fast, high-performance jQuery sorting & filtering plugin for narrowing and resorting larget sets of data on the webpage.
jQuery Plugin To Create Draggable, Resizable And Sortable Elemenets - Clayfy
- Other - 9856 ViewsClayfy is a powerful and highly customizable jQuery plugin which enables draggable, resizable and sortable functionalities on DOM elements.
jQuery Plugin For Creating Sortable Elements - jsortable
- Other - 1891 Viewsjsortable is a lightweight (~5kb minified) jQuery plugin which allows items in a list to be sorted horizontally and vertically using drag and drop or touch swipe.
Create Smooth Draggable Lists - jQuery awesomeReorder
- Other - 1451 ViewsawesomeReorder is a jQuery draggable list plugin that allows drag-and-drop sorting of HTML lists based on jQuery UI's draggable functionality.
Touch-friendly Draggable & Sortable Plugin - jQuery Touch-dnd
- Other - 14961 ViewsTouch-dnd is a powerful jQuery plugin which provides smooth, touch-enabled drag'n'drop and sortable functionalities on a list or grid using CSS3 transforms and transitions.
Dynamic Sortable List Plugin For jQuery - Reorderable.js
- Other - 3054 ViewsThe Reorderable.js jQuery plugin lets you dynamically create a sortable list where the list items can be reorderable and removable by clicking up, down, and remove buttons.
jQuery Drag'n'drop Sorting Plugin For Bootstrap - html5sortable
- Other - 51983 Viewshtml5sortable is a tiny jQuery plugin which adds draggable sorting functionality to Bootstrap framework by using native HTML5 drag and drop API.
jQuery Plugin For Filtering and Sorting Html Elements - MixItUp
- Layout - 29350 ViewsMixItUp is a flexible and useful jQuery plugin for filtering and sorting a group of html elements with CSS3 transition effects.
Isotope - Magical Dynamic Layout Plugin For jQuery
- Layout - 22114 ViewsIsotope is a Magical Dynamic Layout Plugin featured Layout modes(Intelligent, dynamic layouts that can’t be achieved with CSS alone.), Filtering (Hide and reveal item elements easily with jQuery selectors) and Sorting (Re-order item elemen
Multi Sortable Plugin For jQuery UI
- Other - 6132 ViewsmultiSortable is a jQuery extension for the jQuery UI sortable widget that enables users to reorder multiple items (e.g. nested list items) in a list using drag and drop.
Drag & Drop List Sorting Plugin with jQuery - DDSort
- Other - 3051 ViewsDDSort is an easy, lightweight jQuery list sorting plugin which allows for an html list to be sorted with drag and drop.
Mobile-friendly Drag To Sort Plugin For jQuery - Amigo Sorter
- Other - 4995 ViewsAmigo Sorter is a mobile-friendly jQuery sorting plugin which enables nested html lists to be sorted vertically using mouse drag and touch events.
Smooth Drag To Sort Plugin For jQuery - dragSort.js
- Other - 1887 ViewsdragSort.js is a small jQuery plugin that provides the ability to smoothly re-sort grouped elements using drag and drop. Without the need of jQuery UI draggable widget.
Minimal Multiple Sortable Plugin For jQuery UI - multipleSortable
- Other - 4916 ViewsmultipleSortable is a small jQuery plugin to extend the jQuery UI sortable widget that allows multiple DOM elements to be draggable and sortable at a time.
Simplest Drag To Sort Plugin For jQuery - drag-sort
- Other - 4182 ViewsThe simplest jQuery drag to sort plugin which enables the drag'n'drop re-sort functionality on the list view. Without any 3rd dependencies such as jQuery UI.
Responsive & Filterable jQuery Portfolio Gallery Plugin - Elastic Grid
- Layout - 126586 ViewsElastic Grid is a powerful, responsive, interactive, filterable jQuery & CSS3 image gallery plugin designed for portfolio websites.
jQuery Plugin To Arrange/Order DOM Elements By Dragging - dragArrange
- Other - 16760 ViewsdragArrange is a small jQuery drag'n drop plugin which allows to arrange/re-order a list of any DOM elements by mouse drag.
jQuery Plugin For Sorting, Paginating, Filtering Any Content - jplist
- Other - 49656 Viewsjplist is a powerful and flexible jQuery plugin that enables you to sort, paginate, filter any Html content like tables, lists, div elements etc...
Simple Touch-enabled List Sorting Plugin with jQuery - Sordid Dragon
- Other - 1661 ViewsSordid Dragon is a simple, cross-device jQuery plugin which enables items in a list to be sorted vertically using mouse drag or finger move.
Mobile-friendly Drag & Drop Sorting Plugin For jQuery - Sorter
- Mobile - 1528 ViewsSorter is a lightweight, cross-browser and cross-platform jQuery plugin which allows drag and drop to resort a hierarchical html list.
Simple Drag'n'drop List/Grid Sorting Plugin With jQuery - dropMe
- Other - 3764 ViewsdropMe is a very small jQuery plugin which enables your elements in a list/grid to be re-sorted via drag and drop.
Minimal Smooth Sorting Plugin with jQuery - sortScroll
- Layout - 2744 ViewssortScroll is a jQuery sorting plugin that allows sorting of html elements with a smooth scrolling effect rather than moving with drag and drop.
Creating Sortable & Editable Lists with jQuery and jQuery UI
- Layout - 5801 ViewsjQueryUISortable is a jQuery plugin which extends the jQuery UI sortable() functionality to make your lists sortable and editable with JSON support.
Flexible jQuery Drag and Drop Sorting Plugin - Sortable
- Layout - 9690 ViewsSortable is a jQuery based plugin that allows you to drag and drop any items to sort them in any contains.
jQuery Plugin To Sort Nested Lists Using Drag and Drop - nestedSortable
- Other - 18285 ViewsnestedSortable is a jQuery & jQuery UI extension which enables drag and drop functionality on nested lists (tree structure) to make them sortable with a handle.
Simple jQuery Sorting & Filtering Plugin - simpleSort
- Other - 2639 ViewssimpleSort is a simple lightweight jQuery plugin for sorting & filtering elements depended on Html5 data-* attributes.
Simple jQuery Plugin For Draggable Table Columns - Dragtable
- Table - 67093 ViewsDragtable is a simple jQuery plugin that turns the header of your table into draggable so that you can re-order the table columns by drag and drop.
Accessible, Touch-Friendly and Drag & Drop Html List with jQuery
- Layout - 4303 ViewsAn extension for jQuery Sortable plugin which allows you to reorder an Html list by mouse, keyboard, touch, or drag & drop.
Simple jQuery & Html5 Drag and Drop Plugin - DD
- Other - 1535 ViewsA lightweight and customizable jQuery drag'n'drop library which allows you to move Html elements from a container to another.
Drag & Drop Sortable Html List with jQuery Waffler Plugin
- Layout - 1695 ViewsWaffler is a very lightweight jQuery plugin that enables you to re-sort an Html list using drag and drop.
Sortable & Draggable Item List with jQuery and jQuery UI
- Other - 30242 ViewsA lightweight jQuery plugin which allows you to sort a nested item list with jQuery UI based drag & drop.
jQuery Plugin For Reordering and Filtering Html Elements - filter.js
- Layout - 3425 Viewsfilter.js is a lightweight jQuery plugin that allows to dynamically filter and reorder sets of html elements with fade-in and fade-out aniamtions.
Lightweight jQuery Plugin For Sortable Tables - Sortable.js
- Table - 5067 ViewsSortable.js is a lightweight jQuery script to sort a table column in alphabetical order by clicking the header.
jQuery Sorting Plugin with Native HTML5 Drag and Drop - draganddrop
- Layout - 2157 ViewsDraganddrop is a small and easy jQuery plugin that allows you to rearrange a group of html elements with native HTML5 Drag and Drop feature.
Simple jQuery List Sorting Plugin - List Sorter
- Other - 1605 ViewsList Sorter is an easy and fast jQuery plugin which converts a standard Html unordered list into a sortable list, similar to the table sorter plugin.
jQuery Plugin For Manipulating Tabulated Data - Zentable
- Table - 3110 ViewsZentable is a powerful jQuery tabulated data manipulation plugin for creating an editable, sortable, filterable and draggable table that can be used with or without AJAX.
jQuery Step-By-Step Html List Sorting Plugin - animatedSort
- Animation - 1252 ViewsAnimated Sort is a fancy jQuery plugin that allows you to sort an html list step by step using one of the sorting algorithms Bubble Sort, Selection Sort, Insertion Sort and Quick Sort.
jQuery Plugin For Sorting and Filtering Html Lists - listplus
- Layout - 1886 Viewslistplus is a lightweight jQuery UI widget based on jQuery library that enables you to sort, group, and filter an html list on client side.
User Friendly Table Handler With jQuery and PHP - advtable
- Table - 6604 Viewsadvtable is an user-friendly jQuery plugin that enables you to handle table content using javascript and PHP.
jQuery Plugin For Sortable and Searchable Tables - Tablesort
- Table - 20908 ViewsTablesort is yet another jQuery table sort plugin that allows to make your html tables sortable and searchable.
Minimal jQuery Table Sorter and Filter Plugin - table.js
- Table - 3709 Viewstable.js is a super simple yet useful jQuery plugin for sorting, filtering and formatting your html tables.
Easy jQuery Table Sorter Plugin - Andras Sortable Table
- Table - 1747 Viewsandrashuebnertableplugin is a simple jQuery plugin that turns the standard html table into a sortable table that allows visitors to click the header to sort each column of your table.
Animated Table Sorting Plugin For jQuery
- Table - 7388 ViewsA simple jQuery plugin that makes your HTML table sortable with an animated sorting effect.
Sortable Lists and Grids with jQuery & HTML5 - html5sortable
- Layout - 7183 Viewshtml5sortable is lightweight (~1kb minified and gzipped) jQuery Plugin that make it easier to create Sortable Lists and Grids using native HTML5 drag and drop API.
Html Elements Sorting and Filtering Plugin - List.js
- Layout - 3676 ViewsList.js is a lightweight javascript library that makes makes your plain HTML lists and tables super flexible, searchable, sortable and filterable.