10 Best JavaScript Plugins To Filter Content Based On User Input

by jQueryScript,

If you have a huge list of data (e.g. product listings, image galleries, large HTML tables), you may need a real-time content filter that allows users to quickly find what they need for a better user experience.

In this post, you will see the 10 best filtering JavaScript plugins that enable users to dynamically filter any HTML content based on user input or by one or more properties you provide. So if you're looking for an easy way to search through your HTML content, then keep reading!

Originally Published June 09 2021, updated Mar 05 2024

Table of contents:

Best jQuery Filtering Plugins

jQuery Plugin For Filtering and Sorting Html Elements - MixItUp

A flexible and useful jQuery and Vanilla JavaScript plugin for filtering and sorting a group of html elements with CSS3 transition effects.

jQuery Plugin For Sorting, Paginating, Filtering Any Content - jplist

[Demo] [Download]

jQuery Plugin For Sorting, Paginating, Filtering Any Content - jplist

jplist is a powerful and flexible jQuery plugin that enables you to sort, paginate, filter any Html content like tables, lists, div elements etc...

jQuery Plugin For Sorting, Paginating, Filtering Any Content - jplist

[Demo] [Download]

Filter Elements With Checkboxes And Data Attributes - Demano

A simple jQuery filtering plugin to filter a group of elements with checkboxes and HTML data attributes.

Filter Elements With Checkboxes And Data Attributes - Demano

[Demo] [Download]

Filter And Search Entries In List View - JsLocalSearch

A small and fast jQuery client-side filter plugin which can be used to filter and search a list of elements you provide. Supports both plain text and HTML content.

Filter And Search Entries In List View - JsLocalSearch

[Demo] [Download]

Filter Anything With jQuery - easyfilter

A lightweight jQuery filter plugin that provides an easy way to filter any HTML content with fade or slide animations.

Filter Anything With jQuery - easyfilter

[Demo] [Download]

Best Vanilla JS Filtering Libraries

Filter An HTML List Alphabetically – alphaListNav.js

The vanilla JS version of the listnav jQuery plugin that dynamically generates alphabetical navigation links to filter an HTML list alphabetically.

Filter An HTML List Alphabetically – alphaListNav.js

[Demo] [Download]

Animated List Filtering & Searching – search-filter

A pure JavaScript library which allows to dynamically filter long html list through an input field. It uses CSS3 transitions for smooth filter animations.

Animated List Filtering & Searching – search-filter

[Demo] [Download]

Create A Sortable and Filterable Grid of Items - Shuffle

A responsive jQuery Vanilla JavaScript (ES6) plugin for categorizing your grid of items to make them sortable, searchable and filterable.

Create A Sortable and Filterable Grid of Items - Shuffle

[Demo] [Download]

High-Performance Element Filtering Library – Filtering.js

A lightweight yet powerful JavaScript plugin that allows you to filter elements using single or multiple conditionals swiftly.

High-Performance Element Filtering Library – Filtering.js

[Demo] [Download]

Filtering A Group Of Elements Using CSS Classes – vanilla-filters

A vanilla JavaScript library for filtering a group of html elements using CSS classes. It uses CSS3 transitions for the element shuffle effect.

Filtering A Group Of Elements Using CSS Classes – vanilla-filters

[Demo] [Download]

More Resources:

Want more jQuery plugins or JavaScript libraries to create filterable elements on the web & mobile? Check out the jQuery Filter and JavaScript Filter sections.

See Also: