jQuery Plugin To Filter Responsive Grid Of Items - jPortilio

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License: MIT
jQuery Plugin To Filter Responsive Grid Of Items - jPortilio

JPortilio is a JQuery plugin which allows you to categorize, sort, and filter a responsive grid of items by tags. JPortilio can be used to creating portfolio, but not only.

Basic usage:

1. Download, unzip and copy the jQuery jPortilio plugin's CSS and Javascript files to your project. Make sure the jportilio.min.js is loaded after jQuery library.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/jportilio.css">
<script src="//code.jquery.com/jquery-1.11.2.min.js"></script>
<script src="js/jportilio.min.js"></script>

2. Create a grid of filterable items with the 'data-tags' attribute, which is a list of tags assigned to specific item.

<div id="jprt-1" class="jprt-container"> 
  <!-- first item -->
  <div class="jprt-item" data-tags="fruits">
    <div class="jprt-caption"> 
      <!-- caption --> 
    <div class="jprt-content"> 
      <!-- content --> 
    <div class="jprt-hover"> 
      <!-- hover --> 
  <!-- second item -->
  <div class="jprt-item" data-tags="fruits,vegetables"> 
    <!-- ... --> 
  <!-- other items --> 

3. Create a group of tag buttons to filter the grid of items by tags.

<div class="jprt-buttons">

  <button class="jprt-btn" 
    data-tag="fruits" >

  <button class="jprt-btn" 


4. Initialize the plugin.

$(function () {



5. Plugin options available.

$(function () {


  filter: [],

  // the ratio of item's width to item's height 
  ratio: "0.75",

  // number of items in row for small devices 
  // <768px 
  ws_xs: 1,

  //  768px < x < 992px 
  ws_sm: 2,

  // 992px < x < 1200px 
  ws_md: 3,

  // 1200px < x
  ws_lg: 4


Change log:


  • item margin added

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by tomaszantas. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.