Filter A List Of Links With jQuery - filterList

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Official Website: Go to website
License: MIT
Filter A List Of Links With jQuery - filterList

filterList is a small (6kb minified) and fast jQuery in-page filtering plugin which allows filtering of a list of links by typing keywords in an associated search field.

The plugin also allows the user to navigate between list links by pressing up/down keys and highlights the current link with your own styles.

How to use it:

1. Add a search field next to your list as follows:

<div id="list-example">
  <a href="#1">jQueryScript</a>
  <a href="#2">CSSScript</a>
  <a href="#3">365WebResources</a>
  <a href="#4">WPMissing</a>
  <a href="#5">VueScript</a>
  <a href="#6">Google</a>
  <a href="#7">Facebook</a>
<input type="search" placeholder="Type Something" id="input-example" autocomplete="off">

2. Download and put the JavaScript file link-filter.min.js after jQuery library.

<script src="/path/to/jquery-3.4.1.slim.min.js"></script>
<script src="dist/js/link-filter.min.js"></script>

3. Initialize the plugin on the list and specify the target search field in the JavaScript. Done.

  input: '#input-example'

4. Or via data attribute.

<div id="list-example" data-input="#input-example">
  list items here

5. Sometimes you might need to display descriptions in the list items:

<div id="list-example">
  <a href="#1" data-text="jQueryScript">
    <small>A jQuery Plugin Website</small>
  <a href="#2" data-text="CSSScript">
    <small>Pure JavaScript and CSS</small>
  <a href="#3" data-text="365WebResources">
    <small>Graphic Design Freebies</small>

6. Set the time to wait before displying the results. Default: 300.

<div id="list-example" data-delay="500">
  list items here
  delay: 500

7. Set the classname for the active item. Default: active.

<div id="list-example" data-active="myClass">
  list items here
  active: 'myClass'

8. Determine whether to hide the list when no results. Default: false.

<div id="list-example" data-empty="true">
  list items here
  empty: true

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by smohadjer. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.