jQuery URL Parsing, Filtering and Monitoring Plugin - jurlp
File Size: | 192 KB |
Views Total: | 875 |
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Official Website: | Go to website |
License: | MIT |
jurlp is a jQuery Plugin that allows you for parsing, manipulating, filtering and monitoring URLs in "href" and "src" attributes within arbitrary elements , as well as creating anchor elements from URLs found in HTML/text.
Basic usage:
1. Download and load the jurlp plugin after jQuery library.
<script src="/path/to/cdn/jquery.min.js"></script> <script src="/path/to/cdn/jurlp.min.js"></script>
2. Useful example codes.
// Parse and set the element(s) URL $("a").jurlp("url"); $("a").jurlp("url", "http://www.example.com/"); // Get or set individual URL segments for the element(s) $("a").jurlp("scheme"); $("a").jurlp("scheme", "https://"); $("a").jurlp("user"); $("a").jurlp("user", "username"); $("a").jurlp("password"); $("a").jurlp("password", "password"); $("a").jurlp("host"); $("a").jurlp("host", "www.example.com"); $("a").jurlp("port"); $("a").jurlp("port", "8080"); $("a").jurlp("path"); $("a").jurlp("path", "../file.name"); $("a").jurlp("query"); $("a").jurlp("query", {"param":"value"}); $("a").jurlp("fragment"); $("a").jurlp("fragment", "elementid"); // Filter on URL segments $("a").jurlp("filter", "scheme", "^=", "http") .jurlp("filter", "user", "=", "user") .jurlp("filter", "password", "=", "password") .jurlp("filter", "host", "=", "www.example.com") .jurlp("filter", "port", "!=", "8080") .jurlp("filter", "path", "$=", ".html") .jurlp("filter", "query", "*=", "param=value") .jurlp("filter", "fragment", "regex", /(\#)/); // Watch a selector for new nodes $("a:eq(0)").jurlp("watch", function(element, selector){}) .jurlp("filter", "host", "=", "www.example.com") .jurlp("query",{"found":"example"}); $("body").prepend("<a href='http://www.example.com/'></a>"); $("a:eq(0)").jurlp("unwatch"); // Parse an element's text for URLs and create/return anchor elements $("<div>www.example.com</div>").jurlp(); // Get an interface for parsing/manipulating the supplied URL url = $.jurlp("http://www.example.com:80/path/file.name?param1=value1#fragment"); // Parse the URL to an object. url.url(); // Get the URL scheme. url.scheme(); // Get the URL user name. url.user(); // Get the URL password. url.password(); // Get the URL host. url.host(); // Get the URL port. url.port(); // Get the URL path. url.path(); // Get the URL query. url.query(); // Get a specific parameter value from the URL query. url.query().param1; // Get the URL fragment. url.fragment(); // Set the full URL. url.url("http://www.example.com:80/path/file.name?param1=value1#fragment"); // Set the URL scheme. url.scheme("https://"); // Set the URL user name. url.user("user"); // Set the URL password. url.password("password"); // Set the URL host. url.host("www.newexample.com"); // Set the URL port. url.port("80"); // Set the URL path. url.path("/newpath/newfile.file"); // Append to the URL path. url.path("./newfile.file"); // Remove two path elements and append to the URL path. url.path("../../newfile.file"); // Set the URL query. url.query("?param=value"); // Append/modify the URL query (string or object) url.query("param=value"); url.query({"param":"value"}); // Remove the URL query url.query(""); url.query({}); // Set the URL fragment. url.fragment("#newfragment");
3. Download and load the jurlp plugin after jQuery library.
<script src="/path/to/cdn/jquery.min.js"></script> <script src="/path/to/cdn/jurlp.min.js"></script>
4. View the full HTML documentation.
- Updated Doc & Demo
This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by unknown. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.