jQuery Plugin To Create Editable Hotspots On Any Elements

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Official Website: Go to website
License: MIT
jQuery Plugin To Create Editable Hotspots On Any Elements

Hotspot is a jQuery plugin used to generate hotspots (e.g. comments, image annotations, text notes) on any Html elements.


  • Display mode: Display hotspots like a tooltip. Can be triggered with hover or click.
  • Admin mode: Add/remove/edit your custom hotspots and save them in local storage. View DEMO.
  • Allows to handle hotspots via Ajax calls.
  • Callback events supported.

Basic Usage:

1. Include jQuery library together with jQuery hotspot's stylesheet & script in the document.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="jquery.hotspot.css">
<script src="//code.jquery.com/jquery-1.11.1.min.js"></script>
<script src="jquery.hotspot.js"></script>

2. Wrap the image into a DIV element.

<div id="image-hotspots">
  <img src="images/1.jpg">

3. Call the plugin on the DIV element and set custom data for the image hotspots.

  data: [
    { "x":288, "y":190, "Title":"Title 1","Message":"Image annotation 1" },
    { "x":143, "y":200, "Title":"Title 2","Message":"Image annotation 2" },

4. Default settings and callbacks.

// Object to hold the hotspot data points
data: [],

// Element tag upon which hotspot is (to be) build
tag: 'img',

// Specify mode in which the plugin is to be used
// `admin`: Allows to create hotspot from UI
// `display`: Display hotspots from `data` object
mode: 'display',

// HTML5 LocalStorage variable where hotspot data points are (will be) stored
LS_Variable: '__HotspotPlugin_LocalStorage',

// CSS class for hotspot data points
hotspotClass: 'HotspotPlugin_Hotspot',

// CSS class which is added when hotspot is to hidden
hiddenClass: 'HotspotPlugin_Hotspot_Hidden',

// Event on which the hotspot data point will show up
// allowed values: `click`, `hover`, `none`
interactivity: 'hover',

// Action button CSS classes used in `admin` mode
save_Button_Class: 'HotspotPlugin_Save',
remove_Button_Class: 'HotspotPlugin_Remove',
send_Button_Class: 'HotspotPlugin_Send',

// CSS class for hotspot data points that are yet to be saved
unsavedHotspotClass: 'HotspotPlugin_Hotspot_Unsaved',

// CSS class for overlay used in `admin` mode
hotspotOverlayClass: 'HotspotPlugin_Overlay',

// Enable `ajax` to read data directly from server
ajax: false,
ajaxOptions: { url: '' },

// Hotspot schema
schema: [
    'property': 'Title',
    'default': 'jQuery Hotspot'
    'property': 'Message',
    'default': 'This jQuery Plugin lets you create hotspot to any HTML element. '


v2.0.3 (2019-05-11)

  • Supports on browser resize events.

v2.0.3 (2018-10-09)

  • Fix image load issue in Firefox and Safari


  • bug fix for responsive image.


  • bug fix for ajax storing

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by aniruddhanath. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.