jQuery Plugin For Pagination On Dynamic Data - jqPaginator.js

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jQuery Plugin For Pagination On Dynamic Data - jqPaginator.js

A small yet fully configurable paginator plugin to create pagination controls for dynamic data defined in a JavaScript array or a custom function.

How to use it:

1. The plugin requires the latest jQuery library (slim build is recommended) to work.

<script src="/path/to/cdn/jquery.slim.min.js"></script>

2. Load the Stylesheet jqpaginator.css for the basic styling of the paginator.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="./css/jqpaginator.css" />

3. Load the JavaScript jqpaginator.js after jQuery.

<script src="./js/jqpaginator.js"></script>

4. Create an element to hold the pagination controls.

<div id="example"></div>

5. Define your data and specify the total number of records as follows:

function createData() {
  var arr = [];
  var i = 0;

  while (i < 1000) {
      arr.push("Item: " + i.toString());

  return arr;

function dataFunc(done) {
  var data = [];

  while (data.length < itemsPerPage) {
      var num = Math.floor(Math.random() * 100);

  var handler = function() {
      done(data, 100);
  setTimeout(handler, 1000);

6. Determine how to render the data using the renderer.

function renderer(data) {

  $.each(data, function(i, v) {
    $('#content').append("<p>" + v + "</p>");

7. Initialize the plugin to generate a pagination on the webpage.

  data: createData(),
  render: renderer

8. Customize the paginator by overriding the default options as follows:


  // items to show per page
  itemsPerPage: 10,

  // text for next/prev buttons
  buttonText: ["<<", ">>"],

  // shows pagination links
  showNumbers: true,

  // shows next/prev buttons
  showButtons: true,

  // shows an input which allows you to directly go to specific page
  showInput: true,

  // the margin between pagination links
  numberMargin: 2

9. API methods.

// get the current page num

// reload data

// go to a specific page
$('#example').jqpaginator('goto', 5);

// destroy the paginator

10. Default CSS classes which can be used to customize the pagination controls using your own CSS.

parentcls: 'jqpaginator',
wrapcls: 'jqp-wrap',
pageListcls: 'jqp-pages',
pageItemcls: 'jqp-page',
inputcls: 'jqp-input',
prevcls: 'jqp-prev',
nextcls: 'jqp-next',
activecls: 'jqp-active',
disabledcls: 'jqp-disable',

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by ZWhit196. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.