Pick Colors From A Predefined Palette - jQuery choose-color.js

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Pick Colors From A Predefined Palette - jQuery choose-color.js

choose-color.js is a jQuery based color picker component that enables you to pick colors from a restricted palette defined in an HTML template.

How to use it:

1. Create the HTML for the color picker.

<!-- Trigger Button -->
<button id="chooseColor">Pick A Color</button>
<!-- Color Preview -->
<div class="colorDisplay"></div>
<!-- Hidden input to store the selected color value -->
<input class="colorValue" type="hidden" name="">

2. Include the choose-color.js plugin's files on the page.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="choose-color.css" />
<script src="/path/to/cdn/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="choose-color.js"></script>

3. Initialize the color picker and apply the selected value to the hidden input and the background color of the colorDisplay element.

$(document).ready(() => {
  $.support.cors = true;
  const $button = $('#chooseColor')
  const $colorValue = $('.colorValue')
  const $colorDisplay = $('.colorDisplay')
    selecionarCor: (color) => {
      $colorDisplay.css('background-color', color)

4. Override the default colors in the choose-color.html to create your own palette.

<div class="co-color-list co-shadow-3dp" style="display:none" tabindex="-1">
  <ul class="color-pallet">
    <li class="co-hue-1" data-color="#B71C1C" style="background-color:#B71C1C"></li>
    <li class="co-hue-1" data-color="#4A148C" style="background-color:#4A148C"></li>
    <li class="co-hue-1" data-color="#311B92" style="background-color:#311B92"></li>
    <li class="co-hue-1" data-color="#0D47A1" style="background-color:#0D47A1"></li>
    <li class="co-hue-1" data-color="#01579B" style="background-color:#01579B"></li>
    <li class="co-hue-1" data-color="#004D40" style="background-color:#004D40"></li>
    <li class="co-hue-1" data-color="#1B5E20" style="background-color:#1B5E20"></li>
    <li class="co-hue-1" data-color="#827717" style="background-color:#827717"></li>
    <li class="co-hue-1" data-color="#F57F17" style="background-color:#F57F17"></li>
    <li class="co-hue-1" data-color="#3E2723" style="background-color:#3E2723"></li>
    <li class="co-hue-1" data-color="#212121" style="background-color:#212121"></li>
  <ul class="color-reset">
    <li data-color="" class="co-button-flat co-width-100-percentage co-font-color-black-54">
      <span class="reset-color-button">Reset color</span>

4. Set the color to apply when the Reset button is clicked.

  selecionarCor: (color) => {
    $colorDisplay.css('background-color', color)
  reseteCor: '#FFFFFF',

5. Customize the text to display in the Reset button.

  selecionarCor: (color) => {
    $colorDisplay.css('background-color', color)
  textResetColorButton: 'Custom text',

6. Ignore specific colors if needed.

  selecionarCor: (color) => {
    $colorDisplay.css('background-color', color)
  removePallet: '.co-hue-1, .co-hue-2, .co-hue-3, .co-hue-4'

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by victormaestri. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.