Free jQuery color Plugins
All the Free jQuery Plugins about 'color' are listed here.
10 Best Color Manipulation JavaScript Libraries (2024 Update)
- jQuery Script Blog - 2691 Views10 best JavaScript libraries from which you can choose from when looking for ways to manipulate color in your projects.
Image Color Palette Generating Plugin - Color Thief
- Other - 8691 ViewsColor Thief is a JavaScript library for extracts and gets the dominant color from an image and build a color palette from primary colors.
Easy Hex Color Picker jQuery Plugin - color-picker.js
- Other - 1875 ViewsA lightweight and easy-to-implement jQuery plugin that allows you to add a HEX color picker to your web pages.
Visual Tabular Data Comparison Plugin - jQuery Table Compare
- Table - 607 ViewsA tiny jQuery plugin used to show tabular data with a color mapping against a comparison table.
Auto Colorize Elements Based On Their Values - jQuery ColorizeJS
- Text - 141 ViewsA simple jQuery automatic content colorization plugin designed to colorize elements depending on whether their value matches a given range.
Select A Color From Categorized Palettes - jQuery kolorpicker
- Other - 1221 ViewsA simple color picker jQuery plugin that enables the user to select a color from predefined palettes categorized by brightness.
Create Smooth Color Transitions With jQuery Hueristics
- Animation - 608 ViewsA tiny yet highly customizable jQuery plugin that makes it possible to smoothly transition between colors.
Powerful Color Picker Plugin For jQuery - MiniColors
- Other - 28616 ViewsMiniColors is a powerful, elegant, animated, and fully customizable jQuery based color picker for your modern web page/web application.
Random Color Generator & Picker With jQuery And SCSS
- Other - 1247 ViewsA modern color picker app that generates random colors and allows users to copy color codes (HEX or RGB) in a modal popup.
Retina Ready jQuery Color Picker with CSS3 Gradients - Iris
- Other - 5520 ViewsIris is an awesome jQuery plugin that makes use of jQuery UI and CSS3 gradients to embed a color picker with HiDPI display support within an input field.
Pick Colors From A Predefined Palette - jQuery choose-color.js
- Other - 4680 ViewsA jQuery based color picker component that enables you to pick colors from a restricted palette defined in an HTML template.
jQuery Colorpicker Plugin For Bootstrap 5/4/3
- Other - 28665 ViewsColorpicker Plugin For Bootstrap 4 and Bootstrap 3 frameworks that allow you to add a color picker to an input field field or to any other element with multiple formats: hex, rgb, rgba, hsl, hsla.
Auto Invert Font Color Based On Background Color
- Text - 1097 ViewsThe plugin automatically sets the font color of your text to either Black or White based on the perceived brightness of its parent container.
Convert Colored Images Into Grey Images with jQuery Gray Plugin - Gray
- Other - 3863 ViewsA jQuery plugin that allows you to convert images into greyscale images in all modern and legacy browsers. No Html5 canvas required.
jQuery Plugin To Extract The Dominant Color of An Image - Primarycolor.js
- Other - 8387 ViewsPrimarycolor.js is a super light jQuery plugin used to extract the dominant color (RGB) of an image by using Html5 canvas.
Auto-Reverse Text Color Based On Background Color
- Text - 4516 ViewsA smart jQuery plugin for Contrast and Color Accessibility that automatically changes the text color based on the brightness of the background color.
Get The Average Color Of An Image - psColor
- Other - 1303 ViewspsColor is a tiny jQuery plugin that gets the average color of a given image by extracting and calculating the rgba data from the image using the Canvas drawImage() API.
Generate Gradients From uiGradients - jQuery belerise
- Other - 1202 ViewsA jQuery plugin that fetches data (names & color arrays) from uiGradients and applies specific gradient and direction on the selected element.
Apply Gradients To Heading Elements - jGradHeading
- Text - 285 ViewsjGradHeading is a jQuery plugin that makes use of CSS linear-gradient function to colorize your heading elements (h1~h6) with a progressive transition between two colors you specify.
Dynamically Change Background Color Based On User Input - colorField.js
- Other - 3688 Viewscolorfield.js is a jQuery plugin that automatically changes the background color of a color block or the input field itself based on the color code entered by the user in the input field.
Color Contrast Checker With JavaScript - color-contrast.js
- Other - 2678 ViewsA jQuery or Vanilla JavaScript based accessibility testing tool to check the color contrast of your web design (e.g. text color & background color) based on WCAG 2.0.
Subtractive Color Mixing With jQuery - Color Mixer
- Other - 897 ViewsColor Mixer is a JavaScript (jQuery) color manipulation plugin for subtractive color mixing that mixes two provided colors together to create a third color.
jQuery Plugin For Colorize Content Based On Image - Chameleon.js
- Other - 2233 ViewsChameleon.js is a fancy jQuery plugin used for extracting colors from a given image and applying them to any elements you specify.
Material Design Color Palette Picker For jQuery - Picker.js
- Other - 2319 ViewsJust another Material Design Color Picker for jQuery that allows the user to quickly select Material Design colors from a predefined color palette.
Lightweight jQuery Color Picker For Web App - Colpick Color Picker
- Other - 6834 ViewsColpick Color Picker is a simple and lightweight jQuery plugin that enables you to implements a photoshop-style color picker slider on your web app.
RGB Color Slider Plugin For jQuery - JB Slider
- Other - 1204 ViewsJB Slider is a jQuery based RGB color slider which enables the users to change the logarithmic Red/Green/Black channel values by dragging the slider handlers.
Simple jQuery Based Color and Gradient Picker - asColorPicker
- Other - 9639 ViewsasColorPicker is a modular jQuery plugin that appends a fully customizable RGB/HEX color picker to your input field.
Gradient Text Effect In jQuery - Gradient.Text.js
- Text - 3308 ViewsGradient.Text.js lightweight jQuery text colorizer which lets you create gradient/rainbow text using CSS linear-gradient function.
Add Gradient To Any Elements Using jQuery - Shadeout
- Other - 595 ViewsShadeout is a tiny fancy jQuery plugin that has the ability to dynamically colorize selected elements in a gradient sequence.
Change Background Color Based On Image Color - jQuery fillcolor
- Other - 8011 ViewsJust another jQuery plugin that dynamically changes the background color based on the average color got from a specific image within your container.
Stylish Circular Color Picker Plugin with jQuery - SmallColorPicker
- Other - 2621 ViewsSmallColorPicker is a fancy and touch-enabled library that takes advantage of jQuery and CSS3 features to create stylish circular color pickers with color wheel and text input modes.
Smooth Background Color Transition Effect On Scroll - scrollColor
- Animation - 5181 ViewsscrollColor is a really simple jQuery plugin used to gradually change background colors (RGB) while scrolling down/up the webpage.
BlackAndWhite - Convert Colored Image Into A B&W Greyscale Image
- Gallery - 3013 ViewsBlackAndWhite is a amazing jQuery plugin using HTML5 canvas element to convert Colored Image Into A B&W Greyscale Image. This plugin comes with 3 effect : Hover effect, Hover effect Inverted and Ajax content.
jQuery Plugin To Create Smooth Color Transitions On Scroll - colorizer
- Animation - 806 Viewscolorizer is a super simple jQuery plugin that adds a smooth background-color transition effect to a specific container when the user scrolls down the webpage.
jQuery Plugin To Create Eye-catching Flash Elements - flash-me
- Animation - 644 Viewsflash-me is a jQuery plugin that flashes html content to grab your user's attention, by changing the colors, backgrounds and transitions of specified elements.
Scroll-triggered Color Transition Effect With jQuery
- Other - 431 ViewsA really small jQuery plugin which makes use of jQuery color.js library to apply a smooth color transition effect to background when you scroll down the webpage.
jQuery Plugin To Get Color Of Each Pixel Of An Image - Broilerjs
- Other - 3273 ViewsBroilerjs is a jQuery plugin which utilizes Canvas getImageData() method to get the color of each pixel of an image and then you can apply the color to any DOM element(s).
Dynamic Color Transition Effects With jQuery - LiveColor.js
- Animation - 1219 ViewsLiveColor.js jQuery plugin which provides several methods to apply customizable color/opacity/brightness transitions to your background or text.
Customizable and Touch-Friendly jQuery Color Picker Plugin - spectrum
- Other - 8967 Viewsspectrum is a powerful and high customizable Color Picker Plugin built with jQuery, no Flash and images required.
Automatic Color Transition Effect With jQuery - Color Rotator
- Animation - 948 ViewsColor Rotator is a jQuery plugin that uses CSS3 transitions to automatically and smoothly animate an array of specified colors at a certain speed.
jQuery Plugin For Determine The Brightness Of The Background Color - colourBrightness
- Other - 2241 ViewscolourBrightness is a tiny jQuery plugin used to determine the brightness of the background color and then add the class light if the color is light and dark if the color is dark to the target element.
jQuery Plugin To Generate A Color Palette - LumiColor
- Other - 1261 ViewsLumiColor is a jQuery plugin for generating a simple color palette that gives you a range of color shades to choose from.
jQuery Plugin To Animate Background Colors - Color Cycle
- Other - 1258 ViewsColor Cycle is a jQuery plugin used to smoothly and continuously cycle through an array of predefined background colors of a specific container.
jQuery Plugin For Background/Text Color Transition Effects - ColorFlow
- Animation - 2816 ViewsColorFlow is a super tiny jQuery plugin which enables you to apply an array of predefined colors to the background/text with a smooth CSS3-powered transition effect.
Background Color Transitions with jQuery and CSS3 - Spectrum
- Other - 3043 ViewsSpectrum is an ultralight jQuery plugin that allows you to apply smooth transition effects on the background color of a specific container using CSS3.
jQuery Plugin To Generate Gradient Elements - Gradienter
- Other - 1307 ViewsGradienter is a small jQuery plugin that generates gradients from a range of user selected colors and then apply them on CSS properties of any DOM elements.
jQuery Plugin To Add Random Colors To Elements - youHue
- Other - 540 ViewsyouHue is a jQuery plugin that allows its users to add random colors to elements they decide on their page that change every time the page is loaded.
Lightweight & Touch-enabled jQuery Color Picker Plugin - Purty Picker
- Other - 2015 ViewsPurty Picker is a simple and lightweight jQuery plugin to create a responsive and touch friendly HSL, RGB and HEX color picker with color preview.
Hexagon Color Picker Plugin with jQuery and jQuery UI
- Other - 4473 ViewsA jQuery & jQuery UI based color picker plugin which allows you to select a HSL or HSV color from a nice hexagonal color picker layout.
Touch-Friendly jQuery Color Picker Sliders For Bootstrap 3
- Other - 3936 ViewsA colorpicker plugin for jQuery and Bootstrap 3 that allows you to select a color from color picker sliders based on jQuery Color Picker Sliders.
Basic jQuery Dropdown Color Picker Plugin
- Other - 5749 ViewsJust another jQuery color picker plugin for creating a color input which allows you to select a color from the dropdown color palette as well as changing the lightness with mouse wheel.
jQuery Plugin To Generate Color Code From A String - String to Color
- Other - 724 ViewsString to Color is a tiny, funny jQuery plugin that generates a hex color code from a string and then applies the color on any Html elements using CSS properties.
jQuery Image Processing Plugin With Canvas - Tancolor
- Other - 2752 ViewsTancolor is a jQuery image processing plugin that makes use of canvas 2D API to convert an image into grayscale, bluescale, greenscale, redscale and more to come.
Beautiful jQuery Color Picker For Bootstrap - Pick-a-Color
- Other - 7808 ViewsPick-a-Color is a cool and easy-to-use jQuery plugin that helps you create beautiful and powerful color picker using Twitter's bootstrap framework.
jQuery Plugin For Basic Image Color Manipulations - Colorimazer
- Other - 766 ViewsColorimazer is a jQuery Plugin that allows basic image color manipulations such as grayscale, inverse, polarize, opacity, hue, colorize, etc.
Responsive & Touch-Friendly jQuery Color Picker Sliders
- Other - 3734 ViewsColor Picker Sliders is a plugin for jQuery which allows your visitor to select colors from color picker sliders.
Highly Configurable Color Picker For jQuery and jQuery UI - Vanderlee Colorpicker
- Other - 3347 ViewsVanderlee Colorpicker is a powerful and highly configurable color picker plugin for jQuery and jQuery UI.
jQuery Plugin For Generating Random Colors - Autumn.js
- Other - 1339 ViewsAutumn.js is a lightweight jQuery color plugin that randomly generates different colors for coloring your html containers like buttons, tags, navigation, and more.
jQuery Color Picker Plugin - wColorPicker
- Other - 2345 ViewswColorPicker is a lightweight and fast jQuery plugin that adds a clean color picker to your web page.
jQuery Plugin For Simple RGB / Hex Color Converter - rgbHex
- Other - 1500 ViewsrgbHex is a simple and smart jQuery plugin that converts colors from HEX to RGB and RGB values to hexadecimal code.
jQuery Plugin For Grabbing Image Color - imgcolr
- Other - 1840 Viewsimgcolr is an awesome jQuery plugin that grabs the dominant color of a given image's borders for further usage.
jQuery Plugin For Dynamically Generating Images - SnapRandom
- Other - 434 ViewsSnapRandom is a fancy jQuery plugin that enables you to dynamically generate an images on your webpage using 3 random colors.
jQuery Plugin For Gradient Selector and Modifier Tool - gradx
- Other - 3110 ViewsjQuery Gradx is a plugin that allows you to create a Gradient Selector and Modifier Tool using jQuery, jQuery UI and jQuery colorpicker.
jQuery Plugin For Color Alpha Channel - colorAlpha
- Other - 669 ViewscolorAlpha is a simple jQuery plugin that allows you to set the alpha channel of a CSS color or background color.
Animated Color Palette Plugin For jQuery - Color Swatches
- Other - 8423 ViewsColor Swatches is a full free and simple jQuery plugin for generating a Color Palette from a group of colors within a DIV element.
jQuery Plugin For Getting Color Palette From An Image - Chameleon.js
- Other - 4311 ViewsChameleon.js is a lightweight and useful jQuery plugin for generating a color palette and using these colors from an image.
jQuery Plugin For Simple Color Palette Widget - palette
- Other - 1819 Viewspalette is a jQuery plugin for creating a simple color palette widget that you can add custom color into it or change existing colors (HTML Hexadecimal Color Codes).
Smooth Color Picker Plugin with jQuery and Bootstrap - jqolor
- Other - 2959 ViewsjQolor is a lightweight and smooth javascript Color Picker with event handling support, built with jQuery and Twitter Bootstrap.
Simple Color Picker Plugin - colorselector
- Other - 2316 Viewscolorselector is a simple and fast jquery plugin allows you to quickly pick a color form a set of predefined colors.