Powerful Color Picker Plugin For jQuery - MiniColors

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License: MIT
Powerful Color Picker Plugin For jQuery - MiniColors

MiniColors is a powerful, elegant, animated, and fully customizable jQuery based color picker for your modern web page/web application.

Main Features:

  • Shows the color picker on blur & click.
  • Inline mode is supported as well.
  • Supports both Hex and rgb(a) color formats.
  • Configurable open/close animations.
  • Custom positions.
  • Custom control types.
  • Easy to style using your own CSS.
  • API methods and event handlers.

Install it with NPM:

$ npm install @claviska/jquery-minicolors --save

How to use it:

1. Add jQuery JavaScript library and the jQuery MiniColors plugin's files to the web page.

<!-- jQuery -->
<script src="//code.jquery.com/jquery.min.js"></script>
<!-- MiniColors -->
<script src="jquery.minicolors.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="jquery.minicolors.css">

2. Attach the color picker (with default settings) to an input field. You can use the native value attribute to specify the initial color.

<input type="text" id="demo" class="demo" value="#ff6161">

3. All possible options to customize the color picker.


  // animation speed
  animationSpeed: 50,

  // easing function
  animationEasing: 'swing',

  // defers the change event from firing while the user makes a selection
  changeDelay: 0,

  // hue, brightness, saturation, or wheel
  control: 'hue',

  // default color
  defaultValue: '',

  // hex or rgb
  format: 'hex',

  // show/hide speed
  showSpeed: 100,
  hideSpeed: 100,

  // is inline mode?
  inline: false,

  // a comma-separated list of keywords that the control should accept (e.g. inherit, transparent, initial). 
  keywords: '',

  // uppercase or lowercase
  letterCase: 'lowercase',

  // enables opacity slider
  opacity: false,

  // custom position
  position: 'bottom left',
  // additional theme class
  theme: 'default',

  // an array of colors that will show up under the main color grid
  swatches: []

4. Event handlers.


  // Fires when the value of the color picker changes
  change: null,

  // Fires when the color picker is hidden.
  hide: null,

  // Fires when the color picker is shown. 
  show: null


6. You can also pass the options to the color picker via data-OPTION attributes:

<input type="text" 


v2.3.6 (2021-11-25)

  • Fixed a potential XSS vuln when using untrusted code for swatch names


  • Fix transparent watches
  • Improve border colors

v2.3.5 (2020-06-05)

  • Fixed incorrect code indentation
  • Fix jQuery 4 deprecation warnings

v2.3.4 (2018-12-20)

  • Fixes panel not showing with jQuery Slim

v2.3.2 (2018-12-13)

  • Allow for a 0 alpha value in a swatch
  • fixed a color description bug

v2.3.1 (2018-06-08)

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by claviska. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.