Watch For CSS/Attribute/Property/Input/Select Changes - jQuery selectWatch

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License: MIT
Watch For CSS/Attribute/Property/Input/Select Changes - jQuery selectWatch

selectWatch is a jQuery plugin for developers that watches for CSS styles, attributes, properties, and input/select values of a DOM element.

Also provides a callback function which can be used to output the old/new values when triggered.

How to use it:

1. Load the minified version of the jQuery selectWatch plugin after loading jQuery JavaScript library.

<script src="/path/to/jquery.slim.min.js"></script>
<script src="/path/to/selectWatch.min.js"></script>

2. Select the type you want to watch for. Available types:

  • element
  • attr
  • prop
  • input
  • select
var settings = {
    watchType: "element"

var settings = {
    watchType: "attr",
    attr: "MyAttribute"

var settings = {
    watchType: "prop",
    prop: "color"

var settings = {
    watchType: "input",
    timeOut: 1000

var settings = {
    watchType: "select",
    timeOut: 0

3. Define the callback function.

function callBack(oldValue, newValue) {
  alert("Old: " + oldValue + " New: " + newValue);

4. Attach the function to the desired element and done.

$("#myElement").selectWatch(callBack, settings);



This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by fatihkazanci. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.