Responsive Multimedia Slider Plugin With jQuery - sliderSE

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License: MIT
Responsive Multimedia Slider Plugin With jQuery - sliderSE

sliderSE is a responsive, powerful, highly customizable and feather rich jQuery content slider plugin that supports image captions, HTML and video content, interval indicator, auto-play and much more.

Basic Usage:

1. Include the latest jQuery javascript library together with jQuery sliderSe plugin's files in the html document.

<link href="scripts/sliderSE.css" rel="stylesheet" />
<script src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="scripts/sliderSE.js"></script> 

2. Include jQuery easing plugin for easing functions.

<script type="text/javascript" src="scripts/jquery.easing.1.3.js"></script> 

3. Markup Html structure.

<div id="slider" class="sliderSE">

<div data-src="media/PIC_1.jpg" data-thumb="media/thumbs/PIC_1.jpg">
<div class="sliderCaption top shutter"> Caption 1 </div>

<div data-src="media/PIC_2.jpg" data-thumb="media/thumbs/PIC_2.jpg">
<div class="sliderCaption bubble_1"> Caption 2 </div>

<div data-src="media/PIC_3.jpg" data-thumb="media/thumbs/PIC_3.jpg" data-link="" data-target="_blank">
<div class="sliderCaption bubble_2"> Linkable Caption </div>



4. Initialize the plugin with basic options.

<script type='text/javascript'>

5. All the available options.

<script type='text/javascript'>
animateOpening: true,// true, false: add a fade in for initial display
animateOpeningTime: 500,// miliseconds for animated opening - careful if slideshow is set to start automatically, can cause strange behaviour
advancePagThumb: false, // true, false: whether or not the thumbnail gallery and pagination should advance when mouse is hovering
alignment: 'center', // topLeft, topCenter, topRight, centerLeft, center, centerRight, bottomLeft, bottomCenter, bottomRight
autoAdvance: true,// true, false
barDirection: 'leftToRight',// 'leftToRight', 'rightToLeft', 'topToBottom', 'bottomToTop'
barPosition: 'bottom',// 'bottom', 'left', 'top', 'right', 'special' - special CSS designated positioning - see .sliderBarSpecial
cols: 6,// number of columns in some transition effects
easing: 'easeInOutExpo',// for the complete list
fx: 'simpleFade',// 'random', 'none', 'simpleFade', 'stampede', 'mosaic', 'mosaicReverse', 'mosaicRandom', 'mosaicSpiral', 'mosaicSpiralReverse', 'slide'(left or right as appropriate)
// 'slideLeft', 'slideRight', 'slideUp', 'slideDown'
gallery: false,// true or false to show a gallery view as well as slideshow
galleryBox: 100,// pixels: a square box surrounding each thumbnail, the largest dimension of each thumbnail is maxed out by this number
height: '50%',// here you can type pixels (for instance '300px'), a percentage (relative to the width of the slideshow, for instance '50%')
// this is necessary in a fluid site since total height is calculated only after all elements of the DOM have been written.
hover: true,// true, false. Pause on state hover. Not available for mobile devices
keyboard: false,// true, fase: Whether or not to capture keyboard events for right and left arrow.  Can intefere with other elements on a page that use keyboard input
loader: 'pie',// none, bar, pie (IE9+) - in the event that Pie (canvas) cannot be initiated, the bar will be displayed
loaderColor: '#cccccc', 
loaderBgColor: '#333333', 
loaderOpacity: .8,//0, .1, .2, .3, .4, .5, .6, .7, .8, .9, 1
loaderPadding: 1,//how many empty pixels you want to display between the loader and its background
loaderStroke: 6,//the thickness both of the pie loader and of the bar loader. Remember: for the pie, the loader thickness must be less than a half of the pie diameter
minHeight: '200px',// minimum height
navigation: true,// true or false, to display or not the navigation buttons
navigationHover: true,// if true the navigation button (prev, next and play/stop buttons) will be visible on hover state only, if false they will be visible always
mobileAutoAdvance: true, // true, false. Auto-advancing for mobile devices
mobileEasing: '',// same as easing
mobileFx: '',// FX for mobile device
mobileNavHover: true,// same as above, but only for mobile devices
overlayer: true,// a layer on the images to prevent the users from grabbing them simply by clicking the right button of their mouse
pagination: false,// true, false: whether or not to show pagination icons
playPause: true,// true or false, to display or not the play/pause buttons
pauseOnClick: true,// true, false. It stops the slideshow when you click the sliders.
pieDiameter: 40,// diameter of the pie loader
piePosition: 'topRight',// 'topLeft', 'bottomLeft', 'topRight', 'bottomRight'
portrait: true,// true, false. Select true to resize images to fit (no cropping of odd-size images)
readDir: '',// directory from which to read images   ex: '../media/images/large/'
readThumbs: '',// directory from which to read thumbnailsex: '../media/images/large/'
readPrepend: '',// prepend to readThumbs and readDir needed for varying relative paths
rows: 4,// number of rows for some transitions
stopAt: '',// 'html', 'last', 'slide:#'  :   to tell the slider to stop at specific places if playing - 'html' includes iFrames, videos, etc
thumbnails: false,// true, false: whether or not to load thumbnails
thumbnailPos: 'bottom',// top, bottom, right, left - position for the thumbnail viewer (not including pagination)
time: 4000,// milliseconds between the end of the sliding effect and the start of the nex one
toolTips: true,// true,false : show tool tips
toolTipPrevious: '< Previous Slide',
toolTipNext: 'Next Slide >',
toolTipPlay: 'Play Slideshow',
toolTipPause: 'Pause Slideshow',
transPeriod: 1500,// lenght of the sliding effect in milliseconds

// callbacks

onEndTransition: function() {  },// this callback is invoked when the transition effect ends
onLoaded: function() {  },// this callback is invoked when the image on a slide has completely loaded
onStartLoading: function() {  },// this callback is invoked when the image on a slide start loading
onStartTransition: function() {  }// this callback is invoked when the transition effect starts

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by bredlen. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.