Free jQuery easing Plugins
All the Free jQuery Plugins about 'easing' are listed here.
Flexible & Customizable jQuery News Ticker Plugin - Easy Ticker
- Animation - 40579 ViewsEasy Ticker is a jQuery plugin helps you create a highly customizable, cross browser, flexible and infinite news ticker on your web page.
Lightweight jQuery Any Html Elements Carousel Plugin - WaltzerJS
- Slider - 16602 ViewsWaltzerJS is a lightweight and fast jQuery slider plugin used to create a highly customizable carousel slider with lots of configurable options.
jQuery Plugin For Single Page Scroll To Navigation
- Menu - 22381 ViewsSingle Page Nav is a lightweight jQuery plugin for creating navigation links that allow to smoothly scroll to desired sections of your page.
Small jQuery Number Counter Plugin with Easing Effects - counter.js
- Time & Clock - 21872 ViewsCounter.js is a small jQuery counter plugin that allows to count to or down from a given number at a custom speed, with easing effects support (jQuery easing plugin required.).
Simple Accordion Plugin For jQuery - zAccordion
- Accordion - 4564 ViewszAccordion is a simple and use-to-use Accordion Plugin built with jQuery that allows you to implement horizontal accordion effects into your websites.
Create Advanced Animations with jQuery and CSS3 Transitions - isAlive
- Animation - 2779 ViewsisAlive is a jQuery plugin used to create advanced, complex animations for your website using jQuery animation functions and CSS3 transitions.
Tumblr-Like Draggable Tag Bar with jQuery and CSS3 - Tag Overflow
- Other - 3939 ViewsA jQuery & CSS3 tag bar inspired by that allows your visitors to see more overflowing tags by mouse dragging.
jQuery Plugin For CSS3 Transforms and Transitions - Transit
- Animation - 6290 ViewsTransit is a simple and easy-to-use jQuery plugin that allows you to do smooth CSS transforms and transitions in jQuery.
Responsive & Mobile-first Image Slider Plugin - Phantom Touch Slider
- Slider - 1550 ViewsPhantom Touch Slider is a jQuery plugin to create a responsive, touch-enabled and mobile-optimized image slider for your featured contents.
Fully Configurable jQuery Image Slider Plugin - ArtDesign Slider
- Slider - 740 ViewsArtDesign Slider is a powerful jQuery plugin for creating a fully responsive & configurable image slider
Responsive Fullscreen jQuery Image Slideshow/Gallery Plugin - Jslide
- Slideshow - 2622 ViewsJslide is a fashion, responsive jQuery plugin that displays a gallery of images in a fullscreen slideshow with arrows navigation and easing effects.
Create A Sliding Commit Button with jQuery and CSS3
- Form - 3137 ViewsA sliding commit button powered by jQuery and CSS3 that requires an user to click and slide the arrow element across the button to initiate the interaction.
jQuery Plugin For Creating An Animated Counter - kCounter
- Time & Clock - 2033 ViewskCounter is a jQuery plugin for creating a simple cool CSS-less counter with animated numbers & strings.
Create A Single Page Scrolling Website with jQuery and CSS3 - singular.js
- Layout - 9308 Viewssingular.js is a lightweight jQuery plugin to split a single webpage into several sections so you can scroll through these sections on one page by mouse wheel or dots/arrows navigation.
jQuery Plugin To Create Sliding Boxes Over Html Elements - slidebox
- Animation - 1415 Viewsslidebox is a jQuery plugin which enables you to add animated hover effects covering any Html elements.
Simple Image Caption Hover Effects with jQuery and Html5 - Caption Rollover
- Other - 2690 ViewsA minimal implementation of image caption hover effects built on top of jQuery, jQuery easing plugin, CSS, and HTML5 figue figcaption elements.
Stylish jQuery Image Gallery Plugin - Super Gallery
- Gallery - 7536 ViewsSuper Gallery is an easy-to-use and cross-browser jQuery plugin for creating a stylish image gallery with thumbnails preview and smooth transition effects.
jQuery Plugin For Simple Image Scroller - slider.js
- Slider - 7800 Viewsslider.js is a multirole jQuery slider plugin that provides a simple way to vertically or horizontally scroll through a set of images on the web page.
Lightweight jQuery Content Slider/Carousel Plugin - sliders
- Slider - 2414 ViewsJust another very lightweight jQuery plugin for creating a horizontal Html content carousel slider with lots of cool slide animations.
jQuery Multi-Step Form Wizard Plugin
- Form - 37837 ViewsA tiny jQuery plugin that converts multiple forms into a step-by-step form wizard with amazing easing effect. Also comes with a progress bar at the bottom of the wizard to indicate the current step.
jQuery Image Slider with Awesome CSS3 Animations - Shifone Slider
- Slider - 1599 ViewsShifone Slider is a touch-friendly jQuery image slider plugin that comes with more than 12 CSS3 animations to create your own style.
jQuery Slideshow Plugin with Image Auto Resize and Easing Support - imgSlider
- Slideshow - 3117 ViewsYet another jQuery plugin for creating a simple image slideshow that has the ability to automatically resize images to fit within the slideshow container.
Responsive & Modular Carousel / Slider Plugin For jQuery and Bootstrap 3 - Moodular
- Slider - 3040 ViewsMoodular is a responsive carousel / slider plugin built on top of jQuery and Boostrap 3 that comes with 2 modules (controls & effects) in order to create your own styles.
jQuery Scroll To Plugin With Easing Effects - Animate Scroll
- Animation - 12314 ViewsAnimate Scroll is a jQuery scroll plugin that allows you to scroll to any part of the page with smooth animations and easing effects support.
Fully Customizable & Responsive jQuery Carousel Plugin - AdaptaSlider
- Slider - 1923 ViewsAdaptaSlider is a jQuery plugin that makes it easier to create a responsive content slider/carousel which is highly customzable via javascript and custom CSS to suit your any needs.
jQuery Responsive Vertical Image Slider Plugin - UpSlide.js
- Slider - 8584 ViewsUpSlide.js is a responsive image slider plugin for jQuery and jQuery UI that helps you create a fullscreen one page scrolling website.
Lightweight jQuery Background Slideshow Plugin - BgSwitcher
- Slideshow - 26724 ViewsjQuery BgSwitcher is a lightweight jQuery plugin that switches the background-image with some animation/easing effects and options.
Responsive Multimedia Slider Plugin With jQuery - sliderSE
- Slider - 2084 ViewssliderSE is a responsive, powerful, highly customizable and feather rich jQuery content slider plugin that supports image captions, HTML and video content, interval indicator, auto-play and much more.
Basic jQuery Content Rotator Plugin - Rotation.js
- Rotator - 5466 ViewsRotation.js is a simple and customizable jQuery content rotator plugin for rotating any html elements with transition easing effects, a little similar to a slideshow.
Creating A Modern Multi-Step Form with jQuery and CSS3
- Form - 132005 ViewsIn this post we're going to create a jQuery based multi-step form interface with a progress bar to indicate the current step.
jQuery Plugin For Image Hover Transition Effect - hoverTransition
- Other - 2330 ViewshoverTransition is a light & easy jQuery plugin to create an animated image caption overlay that slides from any side of the image, depending on the direction of your mouse movement.
Tiny jQuery Image Slideshow with Slice Transition Effect - slydify
- Slideshow - 3909 Viewsslydify is a lightweight and fast jQuery plugin for creating an image slideshow with support for slice transition and easing effects.
Easy jQuery Responsive Slideshow Plugin - Billboard
- Slideshow - 3570 ViewsBillboard is a simple and easy-to-use jQuery plugin for creating a responsive slideshow/slider on the website to present your featured content.
jQuery Based General Content Slider Plugin - Slider
- Slider - 4675 ViewsA customizable, powerful, cross browser and mobile-friendly jQuery slider plugin for creating multi-purpose content silder with easing effects.
Minimalist jQuery Slider Plugin - Slider Lite
- Slider - 774 ViewsSlider Lite is a basic jQuery slider plugin which allows to slide through Html contents vertically or horizontal.
Flexible jQuery Gallery Plugin With Image Zoom Animations - ZoomsaicJS
- Gallery - 4002 ViewsZoomsaicJS is a small jQuery plugin that organizes a group of images in a customizable gallery layout with support for amazing image zoom animations when mouse over.
Cool jQuery Slider Plugin with CSS3 Animations - Wiper
- Slider - 3357 ViewsWiper is a cool and fancy jQuery slider plugin that rotates and collapses the slides with amazing accordion-like CSS3 transitions and transforms.
Lightweight Content Carousel jQuery Plugin - lightYear
- Slider - 2616 ViewslightYear is a really simple jQuery slider plugin for creating a circular content carousel that supports infinite sliding with easing effects.
jQuery Animated Input Field Label Plugin - Label Better
- Form - 2908 ViewsLabel Better is a jQuery plugin for creating a nice, clean and readable form with animated input labels
Simple jQuery Carousel Slider For Featured Content
- Slider - 16101 ViewsFeatured Content Carousel is a fast and lightweight jQuery plugin for creating an Carousel Slider with easing and mouse wheel support to present the featured content of your website.
Simple jQuery Plugin For Animating Scroll With Easing - AnimatedScroll.js
- Animation - 3577 ViewsAnimatedScroll.js is a simple jQuery plugin that allows to scroll to any part of the page with native jQuery UI easing effects.
Beautiful & Lightweight jQuery Content Accordion Plugin
- Accordion - 3801 ViewsAccordion is a lightweight, flexible and customizable jQuery plugin that allows to expand and collapse html content in a cool accordion interface.
Responsive jQuery One Page Scrolling Layout with Fixed Background
- Layout - 12427 ViewsFixed Scroll Background is a jQuery plugin for creating responsive and full-screen One Page Scrolling website layout with fixed scrolling background and smooth selection effects.
Elegant jQuery Slideshow with Thumbnails Bar Plugin- PhotoCradle
- Slideshow - 12290 ViewsPhotoCradle is a nice and powerful jQuery plugin that allows you to create multiple image gallery sideshows with thumbnail Bars.
Minimal jQuery Plugin For Transitions Between DOM States - Magic Move
- Animation - 772 ViewsMagic Move is a lightweight jQuery plugin that makes it easier to do animations and transitions between DOM states, with easing function support.
Extremely Simple jQuery Content Slider Plugin - jsSimpleSlide
- Slider - 1712 ViewsjsSimpleSlide is an extremely simple jQuery plugin for creating a very basic horizontal content slider on your web page.
jQuery Plugin For Preloading Html Elements with Fade Effect - Fadeloader
- Loading - 6885 ViewsFadeloader is a simple jQuery plugin that allows to pre-load any Html elements in your document or section, with a cascade fade-in effect.
jQuery Smooth Inception Effect Plugin - EnterIN
- Animation - 1051 ViewsEnterIN is a tiny jQuery plugin for creating smooth inception animation effects. Check the demo page to see how it animates.
jQuery Diagonal Content Slider Plugin - Turniquet
- Slider - 1839 ViewsTurniquet is a simple, novel and customizable jQuery slider plugin that allows to slide content (images, DIVs, etc) diagonally with unique transition effects.
jQuery Plugin For Animated Captions Over Images - Captall
- Layout - 2233 ViewsCaptall is a jQuery plugin that has the ability to create animated captions over any DOM element, not only images.
Simple jQuery and jQuery Mobile Based Slide Menu Plugin
- Menu - 22507 ViewsMobile Slide Menu is a simple jQuery and jQuery Mobile plugin for creating a menu panel that slides out from the edge of your web & mobile page by clicking the menu icon or by swiping from left to right on mobile devices.
Flexible jQuery Animated Modal Window Plugin - moaModal
- LightBox - 4043 ViewsmoaModal is a clean and neat jQuery plugin for creating flexible modal boxes with custom animation effects and positioning.
jQuery Plugin For Animated Side Icon Menu - DD Icon Menu
- Menu - 10387 ViewsDD Icon Menu is a jQuery plugin which allows you to create a icon based vertical & sticky menu panel at the edge of the screen that will slide out sub menus on hover over.
Powerful and Versatile jQuery Animation Plugin - Showcase
- Animation - 2295 ViewsShowcase is a jQuery plugin which provides 60+ animation settings for creating Bokeh Animations,image mapping, chained lightboxes,hover effects,website tours, galleries, and much more.
Powerful and Versatile jQuery Animation Plugin - Showcase
- Animation - 1 ViewsShowcase is a jQuery plugin which provides 60+ animation settings for creating Bokeh Animations,image mapping, chained lightboxes,hover effects,website tours, galleries, and much more.
Lightweight and Fully Customizable jQuery Slider Plugin - DIYSlider
- Slider - 1567 ViewsDIY Slider is introduced as the most lightweight and customizable jQuery slider plugin that transforms a bunch of divs into a slidable thingy with a whole lot of options, methods and events.
Clean jQuery Slider Plugin With Hash Tag Support - Hashslider
- Slider - 1386 ViewsHashslider is a responsive and customizable jQuery Slider Plugin that has the ability to link to slider position via hash tag
Nice and Highly Configurable jQuery Slideshow Plugin - Camera
- Slideshow - 24908 ViewsCamera is a powerful and highly customizable jQuery plugin for creating responsive and touch-friendly slideshows with a lot of options and animation effects.
jQuery Sidebar Toggle Menu Plugin - sidetogglemenu
- Menu - 19887 Viewssidetogglemenu is a simple jQuery plugin that creates side bar menu on your page that slides out from the edge of the browser window with CSS3 transition effects.
Flexible jQuery Content Slider with Cool Transitions - Rhinoslider
- Slider - 3833 ViewsRhinoslider is one of the most flexible jQuery slider/slideshow plugin that comes with a lot of options, transition effects and different callback/callbefore functions
Responsive Fullscreen jQuery Slideshow Plugin - Responsive_DG_Slider
- Slideshow - 8414 ViewsResponsive_DG_Slider is a pretty jQuery plugin that allows to create responsive full-screen slideshows with nice transition effects, easing effects, thumbnails preview and some controls.
jQuery Plugin For Responsive Page Slide Menu - PageSlide
- Zoom - 17211 ViewsPageSlide is a jQuery plugin for loading content from a secondary page with sliding effects or displaying hidden content from current web page in a modal pane.
JS Library For Facebook Style Side Panel Menus - Snap.js
- Menu - 18499 ViewsSnap.js is a simple javacript library for creating beautiful mobile shelfs similar to facebook or path style slide menus.
jQuery Plugin For Fixed Background Scrolling Layout
- Layout - 5905 ViewsA simple and clean plugin integrated with jQuery easing and waypoints plugin that allows you to create a fullscreen scrolling layout with fixed background using jQuery and CSS3.
Animated Screen Scrolling Effects Plugin with jQuery - jqueryScrollScreen
- Animation - 951 ViewsjqueryScrollScreen is a lightweight (~2kb minified) jQuery plugin that allows to scroll screen to any html elements with easing animation effects.
jQuery Image Gallery Plugin With Flipping and Rotation Animations - heapshot
- Gallery - 3641 Viewsheapshot is an awesome jQuery gallery plugin that displays a group of stacked images with flipping, easing and rotation animation effects.
Simple and Clean jQuery Drop Down Menu Plugin - naviDropDown
- Menu - 3637 ViewsnaviDropDown is a simple jQuery plugin that allows you quickly to create horizontal or vertical drop down menus with slideUp/slideDown effects and easing methods.