Simple jQuery Plugin for Displaying Twitter Feed - Tweetie

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License: MIT
Simple jQuery Plugin for Displaying Twitter Feed - Tweetie

Tweetie is a simple and customizable jQuery plugin for fetching, formatting and displaying your twitter's feed and using new Twitter 1.1 API. 

See also:

How to use it:

1. Get a consumer key and secret keys from Twitter developer center

2. Edit api/config.php file and replace variables with your Consumer and oAuth Keys.

 // Consumer Key

// User Access Token

3. Include jQuery library and jQuery Tweetie plugin on the web page

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="twittie.min.js"></script>

4. Create the html for the twitter feed widget

<div class="tweet"></div>

5. Call the plugin with options

<script class="source" type="text/javascript">
list: null,
hashtag: null,
dateFormat: '%b. %d, %Y', // date format
template: '{{tweet}} <div class="date">{{date}}</div>', // Format how you want to show your tweets. 
count: 1, // Number of tweets you want to display.
hideReplies: true, // Hide replies and only show your own tweets
username: null, // Option to load tweets from another account.
apiPath : 'api/tweet.php'

Change logs:


  • fixed the property selection


  • Fix list parameter


  • Disabled cache by default


  • minify tweetie.js with hashtag functionality


  • allowing hashtag search


  • Added ability to fetch tweets from a specific list.


  • Fixed the username and hashtags regex


  • Added "retweeted" template tag
  • Added username option that allows to pull tweets from any account.


  • Using Twitter's API to filter replies

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by sonnyt. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.