Customizable Table Filtering & Highlighting Plugin With jQuery - FilterTable

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License: MIT
Customizable Table Filtering & Highlighting Plugin With jQuery - FilterTable

A highly customizable jQuery table filtering plugin which enables an input field to search through your tabular data while highlighting the filtered table cells.

More features:

  • Auto sets focus to input field.
  • Custom jQuery expression method to use for filtering.
  • Allows to ignore specific cells and columns.
  • Allows to specify a list of clickable phrases to quick fill the search.
  • Allows to search for any of the terms instead of the literal term.
  • Allows to set the min number of characters needed for the filtering.


$ npm install jquery.filtertable

# Bower
$ bower install jquery.filtertable

How to use it:

1. Load the minified version of the jQuery FilterTable plugin after jQuery library:

<script src="//"></script>
<script src="jquery.filtertable.min.js"></script>

2. Apply the filterTable plugin to all tables on the page.


3. You're allowed to create custom links to fill and trigger the filtering.

<a href="#" class="fill-filter">search term</a>
$('.fill-filter').on('click', function(ev) {
  $('.filter-table input').val($(this).text()).focus().trigger('click');

4. Here is a list of all possible options to customize the filtering.


  // make the filter input field autofocused (not recommended for accessibility)
  autofocus: false,

  // callback function: function (term, table){}
  callback: null,

  // class to apply to the container
  containerClass: 'filter-table',

  // tag name of the container
  containerTag: 'p',

  // jQuery expression method to use for filtering
  filterExpression: 'filterTableFind',

  // if true, the table's tfoot(s) will be hidden when the table is filtered
  hideTFootOnFilter: false,

  // class applied to cells containing the filter term
  highlightClass: 'alt',

  // don't filter the contents of cells with this class
  ignoreClass: '',

  // don't filter the contents of these columns
  ignoreColumns: [],

  // use the element with this selector for the filter input field instead of creating one
  inputSelector: null,

  // name of filter input field
  inputName: '',

  // tag name of the filter input tag
  inputType: 'search',

  // text to precede the filter input tag
  label: 'Filter:',

  // filter only when at least this number of characters are in the filter input field
  minChars: 1,

  // don't show the filter on tables with at least this number of rows
  minRows: 8,

  // HTML5 placeholder text for the filter field
  placeholder: 'search this table',

  // prevent the return key in the filter input field from trigger form submits
  preventReturnKey: true,

  // list of phrases to quick fill the search
  quickList: [],

  // class of each quick list item
  quickListClass: 'quick',

  // quick list item label to clear the filter (e.g., '&times; Clear filter')
  quickListClear: '',

  // tag surrounding quick list items (e.g., ul)
  quickListGroupTag: '',

  // tag type of each quick list item (e.g., a or li)
  quickListTag: 'a',

  // class applied to visible rows
  visibleClass: 'visible'

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by sunnywalker. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.