Table Rows/Columns/Cells Highlighting Plugin with jQuery - Table Hover

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License: MIT
Table Rows/Columns/Cells Highlighting Plugin with jQuery - Table Hover

Table Hover is a jQuery plugin which enables you to highlight rows, cells and columns of an Html table on mouse hover.

Basic Usage:

1. Import jQuery library and the jQuery table hover plugin into your document.

<script src="//"></script>
<script src="jquery.tablehover.js"></script>

2. Call the plugin on your existing Html table and highlight columns using CSS class "hover".

  colClass: 'hover'

3. Style the column hover effect in the CSS.

tr.hover { background-color: #69f; }

4. Advanced usages.

// Allow highlighting for the table header.
allowHead : true,

// Allow highlighting for the table body.
allowBody : true,

// Allow highlighting for the table footer.
allowFoot : true,

// Allow highlighting for the table header rows.
headRows : false,

// Allow highlighting for the table body rows.
bodyRows : true,

// Allow highlighting for the table footer rows.
footRows : false,

// Allow highlighting for the spanned rows.
spanRows : true,

// Allow highlighting for the header cells.
headCols : false,

// Allow highlighting for the body cells.
bodyCols : true,

// Allow highlighting for the footer cells.
footCols : false,

// Allow highlighting for the spanned columns' cells.
spanCols : true,

// An array of numbers.
// Each column with the matching column index won't be included in the highlighting process.
ignoreCols : [],

// Set a special highlight class to the cell the mouse pointer 
// is currently pointing at (inside the table header only).
headCells : false,

// Set a special highlight class to the cell the mouse pointer 
// is currently pointing at (inside the table body only).
bodyCells : true,

// Set a special highlight class to the cell the mouse pointer 
// is currently pointing at (inside the table footer only).
footCells : false,

//css classes
rowClass : 'hover',
colClass : '',
cellClass : '',
clickClass : ''

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by hrkksm10. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.