Simple Html WYSIWYG Editor Plugin with jQuery - Cazary

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License: MIT
Simple Html WYSIWYG Editor Plugin with jQuery - Cazary

Cazary is a jQuery plugin that converts textarea fields or other Html elements into simple, customizable WYSIWYG rich text editors for easier content editing.

How to use it:

1. Add a theme CSS in the head section for editor styles. You can also add more themes, just like in style.css .

<link rel="stylesheet" href="themes/flat/style.css">

2. Add jQuery library and the jQuery cazary plugin at the bottom of the web page.

<script src="//"></script>
<script src="cazary.js"></script>

3. Call the function to generate an Html WSYIWYG editor bar inside the textarea (or any other Html elements).


4. That's it. Override the options as shown below to create own editor.

// "rte" or "html"
mode: "rte",

// custom body styles
style: "body{margin:0px;padding:8px;}p{margin:0px;padding:0px;}",

// an array of font names
fontnames: [
	"sans-serif", "serif", "cursive", "fantasy", "monospace",
	"Arial", "Arial Black", "Comic Sans MS", "Courier New", "Narrow", "Garamond",
	"Georgia", "Impact", "Tahoma", "Times New Roman", "Trebuchet MS", "Verdana"

// an array of pre-defined colors
colors: [
  ["#ffffff", "#ffcccc", "#ffcc99", "#ffff99", "#ffffcc", "#99ff99", "#99ffff", "#ccffff", "#ccccff", "#ffccff"],
  ["#cccccc", "#ff6666", "#ff9966", "#ffff66", "#ffff33", "#66ff99", "#33ffff", "#66ffff", "#9999ff", "#ff99ff"],
  ["#bbbbbb", "#ff0000", "#ff9900", "#ffcc66", "#ffff00", "#33ff33", "#66cccc", "#33ccff", "#6666cc", "#cc66cc"],
  ["#999999", "#cc0000", "#ff6600", "#ffcc33", "#ffcc00", "#33cc00", "#00cccc", "#3366ff", "#6633ff", "#cc33cc"],
  ["#666666", "#990000", "#cc6600", "#cc9933", "#999900", "#009900", "#339999", "#3333ff", "#6600cc", "#993399"],
  ["#333333", "#660000", "#993300", "#996633", "#666600", "#006600", "#336666", "#000099", "#333399", "#663366"],
  ["#000000", "#330000", "#663300", "#663333", "#333300", "#003300", "#003333", "#000066", "#330099", "#330033"]

// editor layout
commands: "STANDARD"

Change log:


  • v1.2.3


  • v1.2.0: improvement

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by shimataro. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.