Accordion-like Content Toggle Plugin With jQuery - toggleWidget

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License: MIT
Accordion-like Content Toggle Plugin With jQuery - toggleWidget

A simple, lightweight, customizable jQuery content toggle plugin which uses CSS3 transitions to smoothly show/hide content blocks just like the accordion. Also supports auto scrolling the viewport to the top position of your content blocking when toggling.

How to use it:

1. Create the content which is hidden on page load.

<div class="demo__content toggle-widget__content">
  <div class="demo__content-inner toggle-widget__content-inner">
    Content here

2. Create a toggle button to show the content on click.

<button type="button" class="demo__toggle-btn toggle-widget__toggle-btn">Toggle</button>

3. The plugin requires the latest version of jQuery library (slim build is recommended) to work correctly.

<script src="//"></script>
<script src="jquery.toggle-widget.js"></script>

4. Active the plugin with default options.


5. The required CSS to hide the content block by setting the height to 0, and then apply the CSS transition effect to it when toggling.

.toggle-widget__content {
  height: 0;
  transition: height .3s;
  overflow: hidden;

6. Active the plugin with default options.


7. Configuration options with default values.


  // enable or disable the widget
  enabled: true,

  // CSS classes
  toggleBtnSelector: '.toggle-widget__toggle-btn',
  toggleContentSelector: '.toggle-widget__content',
  openClass: 'toggle-widget--open',

  // shift the offset top value by this before returning.
  offsetTopShift: -20,

  // animation duration in milliseconds
  scrollDuration: 300

8. API methods.

// open the content

// close the content

// toggle the content

// enable the plugin

// disable the plugin

// get offset top value shifted by 'offsetTopShift'

// get the height of the content-inner element 

// scroll the viewport to the offset top position

// returns whether the toggle is open

// destroy the plugin

Change log:


  • added isOpen method.

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by floriancapelle. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.