Expand And Collapse Anything W1ith jQuery - Expander

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License: MIT
Expand And Collapse Anything W1ith jQuery - Expander

Expander is a powerful and multipurpose jQuery content toggle plugin for toggling the visibility of any content blocks with slide up & slide down animations.

It uses Popper.js library to provides a smart auto-position functionality that automatically re-position the content to make it stay within the screen.

Ideal for creating smooth accordion and dropdown components on your web app.

How to use it:

1. Insert the Expander plugin's files into the HTML file.

<!-- Required -->
<script src="/path/to/cdn/jquery.slim.min.js"></script>
<!-- Expander files -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/path/to/dist/jquery.expander.min.css" />
<script src="/path/to/dist/jquery.expander.min.js"></script>

2. Create a single expanding block with the following data attributes:

  • data-expander: Required
  • data-toggle: Toggle element
  • data-body: Element to toggle
<div class="accordion" data-expander>
  <div class="accordion__head" data-toggle>
    Click Me To Toggle
  <div class="accordion__body" data-body>
    Any Content Here

3. Create connected expanding blocks (accordion):

<div class="accordion" data-expander="my-accordion">
  <div class="accordion__head" data-toggle>
    Click Me To Toggle
  <div class="accordion__body" data-body>
    Any Content Here

<div class="accordion" data-expander="my-accordion">
  <div class="accordion__head" data-toggle>
    Click Me To Toggle
  <div class="accordion__body" data-body>
    Any Content Here


3. Create a dropdown component that allows the user to expand/collapse content by hovering over the toggle element.

<div class="dropdown">
  <div class="dropdown__head" data-toggle>Hover Me</div>
  <div class="dropdown__body" data-body>
    Any Content Here
  dropdown: 'bottom'

4. All possible options to customize the expander plugin.


  // determine whether to show the content on page load
  opened: false,

  // additional CSS class(es)
  class: false,

  // determine the content is closeable
  closeable: true,

  // prevent default actions
  preventDefault: true,

  // duration of the animation in ms
  animationDuration: 300,

  // elements that will be shown/hidden
  body: [],

  // elements that will toggle the visibility
  toggle: [],

  // elements that will expand the content
  open: [],

  // elements that will collapse the content
  close: [],

  // enable dropdown mode here
  dropdown: false,

  // determine if the dropdown is hoverable
  dropdownHoverable: true,

  // popper.js options
  popper: {},


5. Callback functions.


  onOpen: function(event, expander){
    // on open

  onClose: function(event, expander){
    // on close

  onToggle: function(event, expander){
    // on toggle

  onInit: function(expander){
    // on init




  • Added popper options
  • Fixed minor bugs

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by goodleby. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.