jQuery Animation Plugins
Download Free jQuery Scrolling, Parallax Scrolling, Text Animation, CSS3 based Animation and other animation plugins at jQueryScript.Net. Page 10 .
Interacitve Parallax Effect For Multi-layer Elements - MoveParallax
- Animation - 1380 ViewsJust another mouse movement parallax jQuery plugin to creating an interactive parallax effect on multi-layer images by moving background perspective on mouse move.
Apple TV 3D Parallax Effect On Hover
- Animation - 2387 ViewsA small script that uses jQuery mouse events and CSS animations to create a 3D, interactive, hover-triggered parallax effect on images as you've seen on AppleTV.
Terminal Text Typing Effect In JavaScript - Typed.js
- Animation - 22546 ViewsYet another Vanilla JavaScript plugin for emulating the terminal typing effect that enables you to print html or plain text as if it's being typed on the screen.
jQuery Plugin For Infinitely Scrolling Elements - ticker
- Animation - 5072 Viewsticker is a simple, minimal jQuery plugin used to infinitely scrolling through a group of elements just like the traditional marquee element.
Animated Interactive Shadow Effect With JavaScript
- Animation - 2929 ViewsReal Shadow is a jQuery & Vanilla JavaScript plugin for creating interactive, photorealistic, eye-catching shadows on any DOM elements.
jQuery Plugin For Smooth Page Scrolling - MK_smoothScroll
- Animation - 2233 ViewsMK_smoothScroll is a super tiny jQuery one page scroll plugin for handling automatic smooth page scrolling with a pagination control.
Configurable Animate.css Based Animations In jQuery - AnimateCSS
- Animation - 1047 ViewsA tiny jQuery plugin for manipulating Animate.css animations on elements with additional features: duration, delay, easing, callback, and much more.
Curve Web Type With Animations - jQuery Circle Text
- Text - 3773 ViewsCircle Text is a jQuery plugin to curve your text around a circle with a configurable spin/rotation animation.
Create A Basic Scrolling Website With Sections Slider
- Animation - 7854 ViewsSections Slider is a basic jQuery one page scroll plugin to create a basic scrolling webpage where the users can navigate between sections with mouse wheel.
Simulate A Camera Flash Effect On Pictures - Flashing Lights
- Animation - 1657 ViewsFlashing Lights is a jQuery plugin that applies a customizable camera flash stage effect to your images using CSS3 transitions.
Touch-enabled 3D Flipping Animations - Flip Box
- Animation - 4934 ViewsA responsive, mobile-friendly flip card that enables you to reveal the back content by hovering/swiping on the front content, with CSS3 based 3D flipping animations.
Smooth DOM Panning & Scrolling Plugin - jquery Pan.js
- Animation - 1757 ViewsA multi-functional jQuery Pan plugin which implements smooth pan and scroll functionalities on any DOM element.
120+ Touch-enabled Page Transitions In JavaScript - pageSwitch
- Animation - 4645 ViewspageSwitch.js is a JavaScript library that provides 120+ touch-enabled, pretty awesome transition effects when switching between pages on mobile or desktop.
Infinite-Scrolling Marquee Plugin - jQuery Horizontal-Panel
- Animation - 5035 ViewsHorizontal-Panel is a jQuery based marquee-like content scroller that infinitely scrolls through a list of HTML content (e.g. breaking news, featured posts, etc) in the horizontal direction.
Interactive Background Particle System In JavaScript - daisy.js
- Animation - 4671 ViewsA JavaScript plugin to create a mobile-friendly background particle system with an interactive parallax effect that reacts to cursor move and motion sensor (gyroscope & accelerometer).
Interactive iOS Safari Download Button With jQuery/CSS/SVG
- Animation - 997 ViewsA small script that helps you create an iOS Safari style download button interaction using jQuery, CSS3 animations, and SVG path drawing animations.
Animate Typing & Deleting Of Text - animateTyping.js
- Animation - 8370 ViewsanimateTyping.js is an easy-to-use jQuery plugin to simulates the typewriter effect that animate the typing and deleting of text within a container element.
Interactive Confetti Animation In JavaScript And Canvas
- Animation - 4457 ViewsPretty awesome confetti falling & explosion effects created with jQuery, VerletExpressJS (a tiny physics engine) and HTML5 canvas.
Stylish Button Hover Effect With jQuery And CSS3
- Animation - 3788 ViewsA stylish button hover effect that animates the button text character by character on hover by using jQuery and CSS3 transitions & transforms.
Create Parallax Scrolling Objects Using jQuery - Parallax.js
- Animation - 1400 ViewsAn extremely lightweight jQuery Parallax Scroll plugin that makes any objects move at different speeds relative to other elements when scrolling the webpage.