Top 10 New jQuery Plugins In October 2013 (Happy Halloween)

by jQuery Script,

Happy Halloween! Today I'm going to share with you the TOP 10 fresh new jQuery plugins published on for the month of October 2013. I'd really appreciate it if anyone would share this.

10. jQuery Multi-Select List Box Plugin - listbox.js

listbox.js is a simple and fast jQuery plugin that transform a standard select list into a searchable and filterable list box with multiple selection support.

[Demo] [Download]

jQuery Multi-Select List Box Plugin - listbox.js

09. jQuery Ajax Loading Overlay with Loading Text and Spinner Plugin

Loading Overlay is a simple and lightweight jQuery plugin that adds a loading overlay with loading text and loading spinner to a target element. Ideal for ajax loading overlay preventing any other action in the browser till the data gets loaded.

[Demo] [Download]

jQuery Ajax Loading Overlay with Loading Text and Spinner Plugin

08. jQuery Paginated Data Table Plugin with Bootstrap - Tabulate

jQuery Tabulate is a jQuery plugin for creating an ajax-enabled data table from a JSON data file and paginating it using javascript and Twitter's bootstrap 3.

[Demo] [Download]

jQuery Paginated Data Table Plugin with Bootstrap - Tabulate

07. Easy & Responsive jQuery Carousel Slider Plugin - FilmRoll

FilmRoll is a jQuery slider plugin for creating a responsive carousel that has the ability to center the selected item on the page, especially when all of the items had varying widths.

[Demo] [Download]

Easy & Responsive jQuery Carousel Slider Plugin - FilmRoll

06. jQuery Calendar Plugin Using HTML Templates - CLNDR.js

CLNDR.js is a jQuery plugin based on moment.js and underscore.js that allows you to create a calendar with event support using HTML template.

[Demo] [Download]

jQuery Calendar Plugin Using HTML Templates - CLNDR.js

05. Multi-Level Right-Click (Context) Menu with jQuery and Bootstrap - ContextJS

ContextJS is a lightweitht jQuery plugin that makes it easy to create multi-level right mouse-click (context) menu with event based links support.

[Demo] [Download]

Multi-Level Right-Click (Context) Menu with jQuery and Bootstrap - ContextJS

04. Touch-Friendly & Responsive jQuery Dropdown Menu Plugin - doubletaptogo

doubletaptogo is a tiny jQuery plugin that provides a simple way create a responsive and touch-friendly drop down navigation menu on your web page & App.

[Demo] [Download]

Touch-Friendly & Responsive jQuery Dropdown Menu Plugin - doubletaptogo

03. Responsive jQuery Modal Window Plugin with CSS3 Transitions - Custombox

Custom Box is a powerful jQuery plugin that makes use of CSS3 transitions to create awesome modal window effects with lots of animations and options to fit your needs.

[Demo] [Download]

Responsive jQuery Modal Window Plugin with CSS3 Transitions - Custombox

02. Simple jQuery and jQuery Mobile Based Slide Menu Plugin

Mobile Slide Menu is a simple jQuery and jQuery Mobile plugin for creating a menu panel that slides out from the edge of your web & mobile page by clicking the menu icon or by swiping from left to right on mobile devices.

[Demo] [Download]

Simple jQuery and jQuery Mobile Based Slide Menu Plugin

01. jQuery Plugin For Fullscreen One Page Scrolling Websites - fullPage.js

fullPage.js is yet another jQuery plugin for one page website that allows you to create vertical or horizontal scrolling web page with smooth animations and easing options.

[Demo] [Download]

jQuery Plugin For Fullscreen One Page Scrolling Websites - fullPage.js