jQuery Gallery Plugins
Download Free jQuery #Gallery Lightbox, #Photo Gallery, #Polaroid Gallery and #Gallery Slider plugins at our jQuery Gallery Section. Page 5 .
Polaroid Like Photo Gallery/Lightbox Plugin - jQuery Galleroid
- Gallery - 2599 ViewsThe jQuery Galleroid plugin lets you create a responsive, polaroid-style photo gallery where the users are able to preview images in a lightbox popup with the ability to scroll through all images.
Mobile-friendly Gallery Lightbox Plugin - jQuery DNlightBox
- LightBox - 3064 ViewsDNlightBox is a fully responsive, mobile-compatible jQuery gallery lightbox that automatically expands & shrinks the modal popup to fit the screen size.
Product Gallery With Image Zoom - jQuery zoom-image.js
- Gallery - 37314 Viewszoom-image.js is a jQuery product gallery plugin for online stores that enable the customers to switch between product images and display the large version of the image with a magnifying glass effect on hover.
vintageJS - Image Vintage Effects Plugin
- Gallery - 3222 ViewsvintageJS is a jQuery Plugin using HTML5 canvas element to add Vintage Efffects look to your images on the page. It comes with three effect-presets and can be customized very easily.
Simple & Responsive jQuery Image Viewer Plugin - Smooth Products
- Gallery - 28852 ViewsSmooth Products is a jQuery plugin that allows to showcase your product images in a flexible gallery interface with thumbnail previews.
Full-featured Image Viewer/Gallery Plugin With jQuery
- Gallery - 10242 ViewsA powerful, flexible, feature-rich, fully responsive, user-friendly, and mobile-compatible jQuery plugin for presenting your images in a fullscreen image viewer/gallery.
jQuery Plugin For Stacked Polaroid Image Gallery - Photopile
- Gallery - 10080 ViewsPhotopile is a jQuery based polaroid image gallery that the photos are stacked & scattered randomly in a container and will display the larger version of a photo in a popup window when clicked.
Scrollable Photo Wall Plugin For jQuery - Lightcycle
- Gallery - 2169 ViewsThe jQuery Lightcycle plugin enables you to generate a scrollable, navigatable, draggable photo wall from tons of images stored in a JSON file.
Easy Mobile-friendly Gallery & Carousel Plugin - jQuery RV-gallery
- Slider - 3307 ViewsA simple, lightweight yet feature-rich jQuery slider plugin for creating responsive, touch-enabled, highly customizable carousels and galleries on modern web app.
Responsive Any Content Lightbox & Popup Plugin - jQuery Flashy
- LightBox - 13617 ViewsFlashy is a brand new jQuery popup & gallery lightbox plugin created for showcasing your content in a responsive, touch-enabled slider/carousel popup. With focus on performance and effects.
Flexible Image Lightbox & Gallery Plugin - jQuery oimage
- LightBox - 3215 Viewsoimage is a lightweight, flexible, responsive jQuery lightbox & gallery plugin creating for showcasing images on the webpage in an elegant way.
Responsive Multimedia Gallery Popup Plugin With jQuery - Galpop
- LightBox - 3127 ViewsGalpop is a lightweight, configurable, responsive, multimedia gallery lightbox plugin that can be used to showcase your images, HTML, iframe, ajax content and much more.
Google+ Like Image Carousel / Gallery Plugin With jQuery - plusGallery
- Gallery - 1970 ViewsplusGallery is a Google+ inspired, touch-friendly gallery plugin which displays all your images of different heights and widths in a smoothly scrolling carousel interface.
Stylish jQuery Gallery Grid with Lightbox Support - mb.thumbGrid
- Gallery - 26625 Viewsmb.thumbGrid is a jQuery gallery plugin used to display a grid of thumbnails as a slideshow with fancy CSS3 transitions.
Google Style Expanding Thumbnail Grid Plugin With jQuery - Mg-Space
- Gallery - 12769 ViewsMg-Space is a jQuery plugin to create a responsive photo gallery that allows to open an expanding thumbnail grid when clicking on an image like an accordion.
Responsive Image Lightbox & Carousel Plugin - jQuery slideBox.js
- LightBox - 10170 ViewsslideBox.js is a jQuery plugin that enables you to create responsive carousel and/or gallery lightbox from a group of images you specify.
Fresco - Beautiful Responsive Lightbox with Thumbnail
- LightBox - 16968 ViewsFresco is a Beautiful Responsive Lightbox Plugin that allows you to create amazing overlays that work great at any screen size, in all browsers on every device.
Minimal jQuery Image Viewer with Image Preloading - ABigImage
- Gallery - 5636 ViewsABigImage is a simple and fast jQuery image gallery plugin that allows you to enlarge the images in a lightbox interface with next/pre navigation and image preloading functionality.
Lightweight Image Lightbox Plugin - jQuery Image-Gallery
- LightBox - 2114 ViewsImage-Gallery is a fast, lightweight, responsive jQuery Gallery & Lightbox plugin that displays and enlarges your grouped image as a gallery.
Flexible jQuery Gallery With Image Zoom Integration - Zoom SlideShow
- Gallery - 17873 ViewsThe Zoom SlideShow jQuery plugin lets you create an image gallery with a carousel thumbnail navigation that has the ability to zoom images on mouse hover just like the magnifying glass effect.