jQuery Gallery Plugins
Download Free jQuery #Gallery Lightbox, #Photo Gallery, #Polaroid Gallery and #Gallery Slider plugins at our jQuery Gallery Section. Page 3 .
Responsive Youtube Video Gallery Plugin - jQuery YouRam
- Gallery - 8213 ViewsA jQuery plugin that helps you generate a responsive Youtube video gallery from any Youtube Channel, User, or Playlist.
Create A Rotatable & Scalable Photo Grid With Canvas Table
- Gallery - 3416 ViewsCanvas Table is a simple jQuery based image editing tool to dynamically generate a customizable photo grid using HTML5 canvas.
Draggable/Zoomable/Rotatable Image Viewer - jQuery zoomifyc
- Gallery - 2882 Viewszoomifyc is a feature-rich jQuery image viewer plugin to open images in a fullscreen gallery lightbox with support for drag, zoom, and rotate.
Slideshow Gallery Inspired By Facebook Stories - fbStories
- Gallery - 4508 ViewsA creative story gallery plugin that takes stories from JSON data and converts them into a slideshow gallery inspired by Facebook Stories.
jQuery Plugin For Justified Image Gallery - Justified-Gallery
- Gallery - 28228 ViewsJustified-Gallery is a simple and fast jQuery plugin that automatically adjust the width and height of your images to create a justified image gallery on your web site.
Spectragram - Fetch and Display Instagram Feeds
- Gallery - 12528 ViewsSpectragram is an easy jQuery plugin for Instagram API to get the most recent media published by a user.
Mobile-friendly Slider/Carousel - jQuery flickGal
- Slider - 6088 ViewsflickGal is a small jQuery plugin used to create a responsive, touch-enabled, flickable slider or carousel on the web & mobile.
Justified Image Grid With Lightbox - jQuery Flex Photo Gallery
- Gallery - 6146 ViewsA responsive, flexible, dynamic, justified photo gallery/grid plugin that mages will open in a lightbox popup with the ability to navigate between images by clicking the left/right arrows.
Minimal Image Slideshow With Rollover Effect - photoroller
- Slideshow - 2410 Viewsphotoroller is an ultra-light jQuery plugin that takes a list of images and converts them into a minimal gallery/slideshow with an interactive rollover effect.
Versatile & Flexible Image Viewer Plugin - viewer.js
- Gallery - 10554 ViewsViewer is a powerful, multi-functional, mobile-friendly and highly configurable image viewer plugin used to present your favorite images in an elegant way.
Fullscreen Responsive Gallery Lightbox Plugin - SimpleLightbox
- Gallery - 22611 ViewsA jQuery plugin for creating a tiled photo gallery that allows to display the large images in a fullscreen, responsive lightbox popup as you click on a thumbnail.
Responsive Mobile-first Image Viewer - jQuery SmartPhoto
- Gallery - 15871 ViewsThe jQuery version of the SmartPhoto library which lets you create an accessible, responsive, mobile-friendly image viewer where the users are able to view all images in an easy-to-navigate modal popup.
Masonry Style Gallery With Lightbox Slider - WS-LiSli
- Gallery - 8210 ViewsWS-LiSli is a gallery lightbox jQuery plugin that organizes & displays your thumbnail list in a Masonry-like responsive grid layout and showcases the full images in a lightbox slider when clicked.
Exquisite Photo Gallery Plugin For Bootstrap 4 - Redman photoGallery
- Gallery - 3819 ViewsA jQuery plugin that takes advantage of Bootstrap 4 framework to create a responsive, elegant, navigatable photo gallery with justified grid layout.
Powerful Responsive Image Gallery Plugin - Blueimp Gallery
- Gallery - 40149 ViewsBlueimp Gallery is a powerful and multi-functional jQuery/Vanilla JavaScript plugin for creating responsive, touch-friendly and fully configurable image/video gallery, carousel slider and lightbox gallery on the page.
Lightweight Youtube Video Gallery with jQuery - SpidocheTube
- Gallery - 21449 ViewsSpidocheTube is an easy-to-use jQuery plugin which displays your Youtube videos and playlists as a gallery on the web page.
Mobile-first Image Gallery & Lightbox Plugin - Ribbon Gallery
- Gallery - 2723 ViewsRibbon Gallery is an ultra-small jQuery plugin to create a horizontal, mobile-first, touch-enabled image swiper where the users can enlarge and display images in a lightbox popup.
Minimal Image Gallery With Zoom On Hover - Zoomy-JS
- Gallery - 16041 ViewsZoomy-JS is a jQuery plugin to dynamically render an image gallery with thumbnail previews from an array of images. Click on the thumbnails to switch between images.
Simple and Responsive jQuery Carousel Plugin - responsiveCarousel
- Gallery - 6105 ViewsresponsiveCarousel is a lightweight (~5.4kb minified), responsive and touch-friendly jQuery plugin that helps you simply to create multiple Carousel like galleries which accept any type of html elements.
Raphaël - Vector Graphics JS Library
- Gallery - 9663 ViewsRaphaël is a lightweight Vector Graphics JS Library using the SVG W3C Recommendation and VML as a base for creating graphics, which can be used to simplify your work with vector graphics on the web.