jQuery Gallery Plugins
Download Free jQuery #Gallery Lightbox, #Photo Gallery, #Polaroid Gallery and #Gallery Slider plugins at our jQuery Gallery Section. Page 4 .
jQuery Fullscreen Gallery With Thumbnail Navigation
- Gallery - 6769 ViewsA dynamic, responsive, fullscreen gallery where you can fade through a sequence of images by clicking on the thumbnail in the navigation carousel.
Impressive Galleries With CSS Effects - Filterizr
- Gallery - 30084 ViewsFilterizr is a lightweight jQuery plugin for sorting, filtering and shuffling your responsive gallery with smooth CSS3 transition effects.
Tiny Responsive Image Lightbox & Gallery Plugin - LightSpeedBox
- LightBox - 10648 ViewsLightSpeedBox is a tiny yet customizable jQuery plugin which lets you present your single or multiple images in a responsive, touchable, navigatable gallery lightbox popup.
Fluid Responsive Photo Gallery with jQuery and Bootstrap
- Gallery - 12910 ViewsA JavaScript plugin that creates a responsive, flexible thumbnail gallery and displays large images in a lightbox slider using Bootstrap grid system and modal component.
Filterable Bootstrap 4 Gallery With Lightbox Integrated - mauGallery
- Gallery - 42049 ViewsmauGallery is a jQuery photo gallery plugin for Bootstrap 4 that lets you create a responsive, filterable photo gallery with image lightbox support.
Flexbox Based Responsive Justified Layout With jQuery - Flex Gallery
- Gallery - 12113 ViewsA jQuery plugin which uses CSS3 Flexible Box to create a responsive, justified grid layout and gallery for showcasing your images in a Google Photos-like fashion.
Masonry-like Photo Gallery With Lightbox - jQuery imgal.js
- Gallery - 12150 Viewsimgal.js is a dead simple photo gallery which showcases your images in a Masonry-like responsive thumbnail grid with lightbox integrated.
Multi-purpose jQuery Photo Gallery Plugin - mbGallery
- Gallery - 4230 Viewsmb.gallery is a powerful and ajax-enabled jQuery plugin that organize a group of images/photos and displays them in a well styled interface like gallery lightbox, image slider, thumbnail grid, inline DOM element, etc.
Responsive Cross-browser Gallery Popup - jQuery ie8Gallery
- LightBox - 3022 Viewsie8Gallery is an ultra-small, fully responsive, and cross-browser jQuery gallery lightbox plugin created for users who are still using older browsers (IE 8/9/10/11...).
Folding Profile Gallery With jQuery And CSS3 Transitions
- Gallery - 1431 ViewsA folding profile gallery with image filters that display the details of the profiles by clicking the thumbnails, built with jQuery and CSS3 transitions.
Expanding Gallery With Cool Hover Effect - Bold Gallery
- Gallery - 3525 ViewsA modern expanding photo gallery with a cool hover effect that expands the image to the full size of the container element on click/tap.
Fullscreen Image Gallery Popup With jQuery - fs-gal
- LightBox - 15588 Viewsfs-gal is a small jQuery script used to display a group of images in a responsive, fullscreen, gallery-style modal popup with navigation capability.
Beautiful Automatic Photo Gallery/Slider With jQuery
- Slider - 7130 ViewsThis is a jQuery/HTML/CSS powered automatic gallery/slider/carousel where the users are able to manually switch between images by clicking the thumbnails in the bottom scroller.
Justified Grid Gallery With Lightbox Support - grid-gallery
- Gallery - 16201 ViewsA small grid gallery jQuery plugin to generate a responsive, justified grid layout for showcasing your photos in an elegant way.
Responsive Mosaic Photo Gallery / Grid Plugin For jQuery - mosaic.js
- Gallery - 21739 Viewsmosaic.js is a responsive jQuery image galery / grid plugin that dynamically arranges a group of images into a mosaic style grid while preserving the original aspect ratios.
Simple jQuery Photo Gallery with Expanding Preview - sampGallery
- Gallery - 5840 ViewssampGallery is a simple jQuery image gallery plugin that features a nice expanding preview effect when you click on a thumbnail, similar to the google image search.
Image Gallery With Zoom/Rotate/Drag/Switch Support - jQuery imgZoomAndRotate
- Gallery - 6013 ViewsimgZoomAndRotate is a jQuery plugin that showcases your images in a lightbox with support for rotate, drag, switch, and zoom in/out.
Minimal Image Gallery & Carousel Plugin - jQuery Albery
- Gallery - 13182 ViewsAlbery is a small and easy-to-use jQuery plugin to create a basic image carousel where the users are able to slide through images by clicking the thumbnails and/or next/pre arrows.
Google Plus Photo And Youtube Video Gallery Plugin with jQuery
- Gallery - 10646 ViewsAn easy-to-use jQuery plugin used to display your Google Plus photos or Youtube videos in a fully loaded, responsive content gallery.
jQuery Script For Lightbox Display Of Gallery
- LightBox - 3978 ViewsA lightweight jQuery script for creating a gallery lightbox where your images will be opened in a modal popup with the ability to navigate between images by clicking next/prev buttons.