Char Counter and Limiter Plugin - Charlimiter
- Form - 754 ViewsCharlimiter is a jQuery Form Plugin that limits the amount of characters in input and textarea. You can also use is as a characters counter for users input.
Latest jQuery Plugin updates are listed here. For each plugin there is a link to the download page, a link to the demo page and a preview image. Page 443 .
Charlimiter is a jQuery Form Plugin that limits the amount of characters in input and textarea. You can also use is as a characters counter for users input.
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A book showcase using CSS3 3D Transforms and other some fun effects (rotating, flipping and opening ...) that makes books look more realistic.
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A jquery image slider plugin that allows you to create a triple panel image slider with three panels, 3D look and swipe-like transitions.
FrameWarp is a jQuery Plugin for showing pages of your website with a pretty, CSS-Driven, transition effect. It sets an API Bridge for easy message passing. It can also can cache the pages, so your web application feels more responsive.
A web based ToDo Application built with Web SQL and jQuery.
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Blog-Face is a jQuery Plugin that allows you to create your blog home page with a brick-wall look! Every article on the interface will have a zoom on mouse hover effect. This zoom effect can be toggled at run time by pressing "b".
A jQuery Image Slider Plugin with CSS3 transition, animation and transform that allows you to create a slider which is a stack of some images and works by flying out the selected image to the front of images stack.