Minimal Clean Modal Popup Plugin For jQuery - DD_PushUpBox

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Official Website: Go to website
License: MIT
Minimal Clean Modal Popup Plugin For jQuery - DD_PushUpBox

DD_PushUpBox is a minimal, clean jQuery modal plugin which lets you create modal windows from any HTML contents and/or existing DOM elements. The modal popups can be closed by clicking on the background overlay or by pressing the ESC key.

How to use it:

1. Include the jQuery DD_PushUpBox plugin's JavaScript and CSS files on the html page.

<link href="dd_pushupbox.css" rel="stylesheet">
<script src="//"></script>
<script src="dd_pushupbox.js"></script>

2. The basic usage with DD_PushUpContent() function:

DD_PushUpContent('<p>Your Modal Content...</p>', 'Modal Title')"

3. Load the modal content from an existing DOM element.

<div class="dd_pushupbox" id="myPopup">
  <p>My Modal Content Here</p>
DD_PushUpID('myPopup','Modal Title');

4. Config the modal windows with the following options.


  // width of modal
  width: 200,

  // padding of modal
  padding: 10,

  // shows title
  title: true,

  // shows close button
  closingX: true,

  // custom close button
  closingXHTML: '&#10006;'

Change log:


  • Some improvements

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by hr-it-solutions. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.