Open Links In A Highly Customizable Popup Window - window.popup

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Open Links In A Highly Customizable Popup Window - window.popup

window.popup is a jQuery browser popup plugin used to open links in a new popup window that is highly customized according to your requirements.

Based on the API.


  • Custom size & offset.
  • Always be centered in the screen.
  • Fullscreen mode.
  • Custom popup title.
  • Hide/show status, address bar, toolbar, scrollbar, menu bar, etc.
  • Enable/disable resizable.

How to use it:

1. Download and put the JavaScript file jquery.window.popup.js after jQuery JavaScript library.

<script src="" 
<script src="/dist/jquery.window.popup.js"></script>

2. Initialize the plugin and we're ready to go.




3. Add the CSS class window-popup to links and customize the popup window by passing the options via data-Option attributes as follows:

<a class="window-popup" href="">Default</a>
<a class="window-popup" href="" data-width="320" data-height="320">Width:320, Height:320</a>
<a class="window-popup" href="" data-width="640" data-height="640">Width:640, Height:640</a>
<a class="window-popup" href="" data-aligncenter="false">Top:0, Left:0</a>
<a class="window-popup" href="" data-aligncenter="false" data-top="100" data-left="100">Top:100, Left:100</a>
<a class="window-popup" href="" data-status="yes">Status</a>
<a class="window-popup" href="" data-fullscreen="yes">Fullscreen</a>
<a class="window-popup" href="" data-channelmode="yes">Channelmode</a>
<a class="window-popup" href="" data-location="yes">Location</a>
<a class="window-popup" href="" data-menubar="yes">Menubar</a>
<a class="window-popup" href="" data-toolbar="yes">Toolbar</a>
<a class="window-popup" href="" data-resizable="yes">Resizable</a>
<a class="window-popup" href="" data-scrollbars="yes">Scrollbars</a>

4. All default options.

  href        : "",
  title       : "Title",
  width       : 640,
  height      : 640,
  top         : 0,
  left        : 0,
  status      : "no",
  fullscreen  : "no",
  channelmode : "no",
  location    : "no",
  menubar     : "no",
  toolbar     : "no",
  resizable   : "no",
  scrollbars  : "no",
  alignCenter : true

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by krescentmoon. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.