Adaptive Themeable Tabs Plugin - jQuery FlexTabs

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License: MIT
Adaptive Themeable Tabs Plugin - jQuery FlexTabs

A flexible, responsive, adaptive, customizable, themeable jQuery tabs plugin created for both desktop and mobile.

The plugin automatically transforms the normal tabs interface into a vertical accordion UI when the screen is smaller than a specific value.

You can set the switch animation separately for mobile and desktop.

How to use it:

1. Include the core stylesheet and default theme CSS in the head section of the document.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/jquery.flextabs.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/jquery.flextabs.theme-default.css">

2. Create tabs and tab content following the HTML structure as follows:

<div data-ft>
    <a href="#tab-1" class="active">Tab #1</a>
    <a href="#tab-2">Tab #2</a>
    <a href="#tab-3">Tab #3</a>
    <div id="tab-1">Tab Content #1</div>
    <div id="tab-2">Tab Content #2</div>
    <div id="tab-3">Tab Content #3</div>

3. Initialize the jQuery FlexTabs plugin with default settings.


4. Set the custom media query breakpoint.

  breakpoint: 768 // default

5. Customize the accordion icon when running on the mobile.

  icon: '<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 64 64"><path d="M48.293 23.293l-16.293 16.293-16.293-16.293-1.414 1.561 17 17.146h1.414l17-17.146z"/></svg>',

6. Customize the animation speed.

  fade: 200,

7. Customize the trigger event. Default: click.

  event: 'click'

8. Customize the tabs behaviors in the Accordion mode.


  // false: tabs can only be expanded
  collapsible: true

9. Set the theme.


  theme: 'ft-theme-default'

10. Default CSS selectors


  classes: {

    container: 'ft-container',
    mtb: 'ft-tabs',
    mac: 'ft-accordion',
    contents: 'ft-contents',
    nav: 'ft-nav',
    tab: 'ft-tab',
    tabIcon: 'ft-tab-icon',
    content: 'ft-content',
    icon: 'ft-icon',
    active: 'active'

11. API methods.

// re-init the plugin

// re-init the plugin with new options
$('.example').flexTabs('reinit', newOptions);

// destroy the plugin

// goto a specific tab
$('.example').flexTabs('switch', tab);

// close a specific tab
$('.example').flexTabs('close', tab);

// close all tabbed content

// tabs or accordion
$('.example').flexTabs('changeMode', tabs/accordion);

12. You're also allowed to pass the options via data attribute. Ideal for multiple instances on your page.

<div class="example" data-ft="{
     optionName: Value

13. Event hanlders.

.on('afterInit.ft', function(e, instance) {
  // do something
.on('afterOpen.ft', function(e, instance, targetTab) {
  // do something
.on('afterClose.ft', function(e, instance, targetTab) {
  // do something
.on('beforeChangeMode.ft', function(e, instance) {
  // do something
.on('afterChangeMode.ft', function(e, instance) {
  // do something



  • v2.0.0

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by WahaWaher. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.