Easy Any Content Pagination Plugin - jQuery Paginate.js

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License: MIT
Easy Any Content Pagination Plugin - jQuery Paginate.js

Paginate.js is a lightweight jQuery client-side pagination plugin which enables you to paginate any group of HTML elements on the webpage.


  • Allows to specify how many items per page
  • Scrolls to top of the container if a user clicks on a pagination link
  • Hash locations is supported as well.

How to use it:

1. Load the CSS file jquery.paginate.css in the header to style the pagination controls.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="jquery.paginate.css">

2. Let's say you have a long html list like this.

<ul id="example">
    Item 1
    Item 2

    Item 3


    Item n


3. Load JQuery library and the JavaScript file jquery.paginate.js at the bottom of the webpage.

<script src="//code.jquery.com/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="jquery.paginate.js"></script>

4. Call the Paginate plugin and we're done.


5. Not only html lists, the plugin supports any block element containing tons of elements.

  scope: $('div'), // targets all div elements

6. All default configuration options.


  // how many items per page
  perPage:                5,      

  // boolean: scroll to top of the container if a user clicks on a pagination link        
  autoScroll:             true,           

  // which elements to target
  scope:                  '',         

  // defines where the pagination will be displayed    
  paginatePosition:       ['bottom'],     

  // Pagination selectors
  containerTag:           'nav',
  paginationTag:          'ul',
  itemTag:                'li',
  linkTag:                'a',

  // Determines whether or not the plugin makes use of hash locations
  useHashLocation:        true,           

  // Triggered when a pagination link is clicked
  onPageClick:            function() {}   

7. Public methods.

// goto page 5

// goto next page

// goto previous page

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by neighbordog. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.