Easy To Style Tabs Plugin With jQuery - SimpleTabs

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License: MIT
Easy To Style Tabs Plugin With jQuery - SimpleTabs

This is simple, lightweight jQuery tabs plugin that is easy to customize using your own CSS.

The plugin transforms a group of DIV containers into an HTML list (unordered list) based tabbing system where the users are able to switch between tabbed content by clicking tabs.

How to use it:

1. Load the core stylesheet simpleTabs.css for the basic styling of the tabs.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="./simpleTabs.css">

2. Load the minified version of the jQuery SimpleTabs plugin after loading jQuery.

<script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.3.1.slim.min.js" 
<script src="./simpleTabs.min.js"></script>

3. Create a group of DIV containers for the tabbed content and specify the title displayed in the tabs using the data-st-title attribute:

<div class="simpleTabs">
  <div data-st-title="Tab 1">
    Contents 1
  <div data-st-title="Tab 2">
    Contents 2
  <div data-st-title="Tab 3">
    Contents 3

4. Call the function simpleTabs on the top container and the plugin will do the rest.


5. Customize the styles of the the tabbing system.

.simpleTabs > .simpleTabs_button > li {
  margin:0 5px 0 0; 
  border:1px solid #adb5bd; 

.simpleTabs >.simpleTabs_button > li.active {
  border-bottom:1px solid #e9ecef; 

.simpleTabs > .simpleTabs_contents {
  padding:5px 10px; 
  border:1px solid #adb5bd; 

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by cyh3739. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.