Facebook Like Emoji Picker Plugin For jQuery - FaceMocion

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License: MIT
Facebook Like Emoji Picker Plugin For jQuery - FaceMocion

FaceMocion is a really simple (2kb) jQuery plugin that converts an input field into an emoji picker using new Facebook emoticons. Based on the PNG sprites magic.

How to use it:

1. Include jQuery library together with the faceMocion.css and faceMocion.js on the webpage.

<link href="faceMocion.css" rel="stylesheet">
<script src="//code.jquery.com/jquery-1.12.1.min.js"></script>
<script src="faceMocion.js"></script> 

2. Create a 'hidden' input and specify the initial emoji using value attribute.

<input type="hidden" value="amo" class="demo">

3. Call the function on the input field to generate a basic emoji picker on the webpage.


4. Change the emoticons and descriptions.

    {"emocion":"amo","TextoEmocion":"Lo amo"},
    {"emocion":"molesto","TextoEmocion":"Me molesta"},
    {"emocion":"asusta","TextoEmocion":"Me asusta"},
    {"emocion":"divierte","TextoEmocion":"Me divierte"},
    {"emocion":"gusta","TextoEmocion":"Me gusta"},
    {"emocion":"triste","TextoEmocion":"Me entristece"},
    {"emocion":"asombro","TextoEmocion":"Me asombra"},
    {"emocion":"alegre","TextoEmocion":"Me alegra"}

About author:


Website: http://oscaruhp.github.io/FaceMocion/

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by oscaruhp. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.