Microsoft Office Style Color Picker Plugin - evol.colorpicker

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Official Website: Go to website
License: MIT
Microsoft Office Style Color Picker Plugin - evol.colorpicker

evol.colorpicker is a jQuery plugin used to create Microsoft Office style inline or popup color pickers that supports various configurations and themes based on jQuery UI.


$ npm install evol-colorpicker

# Bower
$ bower install evol-colorpicker

Basic usage:

1. Add the required jQuery & jQuery UI frameworks into your webpage.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="jquery-ui.css">
<script src="jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="jquery-ui.min.js"></script>

2. Download and include the jQuery evol.colorpicker plugin's files after jQuery library.

<link href="css/evol.colorpicker.min.css" rel="stylesheet">
<script src="js/evol.colorpicker.min.js"></script>

3. Create a basic inline color picker with "web" default palette on your web page.

<div id="inline-demo"></div> 

4. Create a popup color picker appending to a text box that is triggered on focus.

<input id="focus-demo" value="#dbeef3">

5. Full plugin options.


  // initial color
  color: null,

  // example: ["#ff0000", "#00ff00", "blue"],
  customTheme: null, 

  // possible values: 'focus','button','both'
  showOn: 'both', 

  // Shows a trigger button next to the text box
  hideButton: false,

  // Shows color value on hover and click inside the palette
  displayIndicator: true,

  // Allows for selection of the "transparent color". 
  transparentColor: false,

  // Tracks selection history
  history: true,

  // possible values: 'theme', 'web'
  defaultPalette: 'theme', 

  // Used to translate the widget.
  strings: 'Theme Colors,Standard Colors,Web Colors,Theme Colors,Back to Palette,History,No history yet.'


6. Public methods.

// enable the plugin

// Clears the color value (and close the popup palette if opened).

// disable the plugin

// Get or set the currently selected color value
var colorValue = $("##SELECTOR").colorpicker("val");
$("#SELECTOR").colorpicker("val", "#d0d0d0");

// Show the palette

// Hide the palette

7. Events

// triggered when a color is selected.
$("#SELECTOR").on("change.color", function(event, color){
  $('#ELEMENT').css('background-color', color);

// triggered when the mouse moves over a color box on the palette
$("#SELECTOR").on("mouseover.color", function(event, color){
  $('#element').css('background-color', color);



  • v3.4.3: Dependencies update.


  • v3.4.2: Fixed for jQuery 3.5+


  • v3.4.1: Fixed custom theme colors.


  • v3.4.0: Updated for jQuery 3.4+


  • v3.3.2


  • Fixed for IE 10


  • Version 3.3.1


  • Version 3.3.0


  • Version 2.3.6


  • add clear method.

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by evoluteur. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.