Simple Clean Toast Message Plugin with jQuery - dreamAlert

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License: MIT
Simple Clean Toast Message Plugin with jQuery - dreamAlert

dreamAlert is a lightweight jQuery plugin helps you display Android toasts- or growl-like notification messages on your webpage or web application. A great way to create info, alert or AJAX loading messages for your end users.

How to use it:

1. Load the jQuery dreamAlert plugin's JavaScript and CSS files in the html document. Make sure you first have jQuery library loaded.

<script src=""></script>
<script src="jquery.dreamalert.js"></script>
<link href="jquery.dreamalert.css"rel="stylesheet">

2. Create a 'Success' toast notification.

  'type'      :   'success',
  'message'   :   'Completed!'

3. Create an 'Error' toast notification.

  'type'      :   'error',
  'message'   :   'Error!'

4. Create a 'Loading' toast notification which can be used as a loading spinner for ajax request.

  'type'      :   'loading',
  'message'   :   'Loading...'

5. By default, the plugin will display your toast messages in the middle of the screen. You can change the position, icon, and duration with the following parameters.

  'base_path' :   'source/',
  'type'      :   'success',
  'message'   :   'Operation completed',
  'summary'   :   '',
  'icon'      :   '',
  'position'  :   'center', // or right
  'message_id':   1,
  'duration'  :   3000,
  'id'        :   0

6. Close the toast message immediately.


This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by dreamcog. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.