Apply CSS Classes To Elements Depending On Numeric Values - addClassByAtt

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License: MIT
Apply CSS Classes To Elements Depending On Numeric Values - addClassByAtt

addClassByAtt is a super light (less than 1kb minified) jQuery plugin that applies different CSS classes elements depending on the values in a certain attribute.

Use this plugin to colorize the Text and Background colors of table cells based on the value range.

How to use it:

1. Import the minified version of the jQuery addClassByAtt plugin after jQuery.

<script src="" 
<script src="jquery.addClassByAtt.min.js"></script>

2. Define the min/max values and CSS classes corresponding in a JavaScript object as follows:

const classes = [
      {'class': 'class-1', 'minVal': 0, 'maxVal': 9},
      {'class': 'class-2', 'minVal': 10, 'maxVal': 59},
      {'class': 'class-3', 'minVal': 60, 'maxVal': 999},

3. Insert numeric values in the title attribute of your html elements.

      <td title="5">5</td>
      <td title="22">22</td>
      <td title="65">65</td>

4. Initialize the plugin and done.

$('table td').addClassByAtt({
  'options': classes

5. Override the default attribute.

$('table td').addClassByAtt({
  'options': classes,
  'attribute': 'title'

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by gar-cad. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.