Detect Scroll Direction & Position In jQuery

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License: MIT
Detect Scroll Direction & Position In jQuery

scrollDetection is a tiny jQuery plugin that detects scroll direction (up & down) and scroll position and adds CSS classes to specific indicator elements accordingly.

See also:

How to use it:

1. Insert the main script jquery.scroll-direction.js after loading jQuery library and we're ready to go. Note that jQuery is now OPTIONAL since v2.0.

<script src="/path/to/cdn/jquery.slim.min.js"></script>
<script src="/path/to/jquery.scroll-direction.js"></script>

2. Initialize the plugin to activate the scroll direction & position tracker.

// jQuery
  // options here

// Vanilla JS
  // options here

3. Determine whether to consider top and bottom offsets when tracking.

  // top offset in px
  topOffset: 0,
  // bottom offset in px
  bottomOffset: 0,
  // consider bottom as middle
  atBottomIsAtMiddle: true

4. Add custom CSS classes to the indicator element (default: body) while scrolling.

  indicator: true,
  indicatorElement: $("body"),
  scrollUpClass: "scroll-up",
  scrollDownClass: "scroll-down",
  scrollAtTopClass: "scroll-top",
  scrollAtMiddleClass: "scroll-middle",
  scrollAtBottomClass: "scroll-bottom",

5. Add custom CSS classes to an extra indicator element when scrolling past it.

  extraIndicators: {
    "element": $("#extra-element"), 
    "class": "custom-class",


6. Available events that will be fired based on the current scroll direction & position.

$(window).on("scrollDirection", function () {
  // on load, resize, or scroll

$(window).on("scrollUp", function () {
  // on scroll up

$(window).on("scrollDown", function () {
  // on scroll down

$(window).on("scrollAtTop", function () {
  // when reaching the top

$(window).on("scrollAtMiddle", function () {
  // when reaching the middle zone

$(window).on("scrollAtBottom", function () {
  // when reaching the bottom

7. Available properties.

  // is scrolling up

  // is scrolling down

  // is reaching the top

  // is reaching the middle zone

  // is reaching the bottom


v2.0.0 (2022-02-15)

  • Add jQuery-free ability.
  • Add minified version

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by phucbm. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.