Minimal Customizable Toast Notification In jQuery - td-message
File Size: | 9.38 KB |
Views Total: | 1093 |
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Official Website: | Go to website |
License: | MIT |
td-message is a tiny, Android-inspired notification plugin to create toast-like notice/alert/announcement popups with custom icons, positions, durations, and styles.
More Features:
- 4 notification types: info, success, error, and warning.
- Shows close button or not.
- Can be placed anywhere on the web page.
How to use it:
1. Insert the following JavaScript and CSS files in the HTML page.
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/path/to/td-msessage.css" /> <script src="/path/to/cdn/jquery.min.js"></script> <script src="/path/to/td-message.js"></script>
2. Show a default (info) toast message on the page.
$.message({ text: "Info Message" });
3. Create a 'success' toast message that automatically dismiess after 5 seconds (Default: 2 seconds).
$.message({ type: "success", text: "Success Message", duration: 5000 });
4. Create an 'error' toast message that is placed at the bottom-right of the webpage. All possible position parameters:
- top-left
- top-center (default)
- top-right
- bottom-left
- bottom-center
- bottom-right
$.message({ type: "error", text: "Error Message", positon: "bottom-right" });
5. Create a 'warning' toast message with no close button.
$.message({ type: "warning", text: "Warning Message", showClose: false });
This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by shitudouya. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.