Minimal Dynamic Data Table Plugin For jQuery - Smart Table

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License: MIT
Minimal Dynamic Data Table Plugin For jQuery - Smart Table

Smart Table is an ultra-light jQuery data table plugin for presenting tabular data with built-in sorting, pagination and filtering options.

How to use it:

1. Load the jQuery Smart Table plugin's stylesheet smart-table.css in the document that will provide the basic CSS styles for the data table and table controls.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="smart-table.css">

2. Add your data into an html table with thead and tbody elements

<table class="st-table">
      <th class="st-number">Num</th>
      <th class="st-number">Code</th>
      <th class="st-money">Money</th>

3. Load jQuery library and the jQuery Smart Table plugin's script smart-table.js at the end of the document but before the closing body tag.

<script src="//"></script>
<script src="smart-table.js"></script>

4. Enable the plugin by calling the function on the table.

  // true|false
  filterOn: true,

  // true|false
  sortingOn: true,

  // true|false
  hideColumnOn: true,

  // null|html
  sortAscHtml: '<span></span>',

  // null|html
  sortDescHtml: '<span></span>',

  // null|html
  hideColumnHtml: 'x',

  // null|className
  zebraClass: 'zebra-odd-bg',

  // int (0 to disable pagination)
  paginationPerPage: 10

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by vigivl. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.