jQuery Table Plugins
Download Free jQuery Data Table, Data Grid, Table Sort, and other Table Manipulation plugins at our jQuery Table Plugin section. Page 14 .
jQuery Plugin For Easy Table Filtering and Sorting - Tablefilter
- Table - 7689 ViewsA lightweight and efficient jQuery plugin which adds fast, client-side filtering and sorting capabilities to your html table with large data sets.
Treeview Style Hierarchical Table with jQuery and D3.js - Treetable
- Table - 26715 ViewsTreetable is a jQuery plugin used to visualize your hierarchical table rows into a collapsible tree graph using d3.js JavaScript library.
Animated Sticky Table Header Plugin With jQuery - tableheadfixer
- Table - 3940 Viewstableheadfixer is a really simple jQuery plugin that makes table header (thead) always sticky on top of the page when scrolling down.
jQuery Plugin For Creating Collapsible Table Rows - aCollapTable
- Table - 46604 ViewsaCollapTable is a lightweight jQuery plugin used to make your table rows collapsible and expandable like an accordion.
jQuery Plugin To Create Collapsible Bootstrap Tables - Bootstrap TreeFy
- Table - 11224 ViewsBootstrap TreeFy is a small jQuery plugin for Bootstrap that helps you create multilevel, collapsible, expandable table rows like a tree structure.
jQuery Plugin To Create Gmail-style Starred Table Rows - starmyrows.js
- Table - 863 Viewsstarmyrows.js is a lightweight jQuery plugin that adds 'Starred' and 'Not starred' bookmarking indicators to table rows as you seen in Google Gmail.
jQuery Plugin For Bootstrap Based Data Table - Bootstrap Data Table
- Table - 50058 ViewsA small yet robust jQuery plugin to make a dynamic Bootstrap data table with support for filtering, pagination and sorting.
Tiny jQuery Plugin For Clint-side Table Filtering - filterForTable
- Table - 5201 ViewsfilterForTable is a lightweight jQuery plugin to provide basic filtering & live searching functionality for html table.
Minimal jQuery Table Pagination Plugin - SimplePagination
- Table - 25938 ViewsSimplePagination is a really simple jQuery plugin used to add pagination to your large Html table with very little effort.
jQuery Plugin For Editable Table Rows - Table Edits
- Table - 45968 ViewsTable Edits is a very small jQuery plugin that adds inline edit capability to html table by converting table cells into input fields or select dropdowns when you start editing.
jQuery Plugin For Drag'n'Drop Sortable Table - RowSorter.js
- Table - 33104 ViewsRowSorter.js is a minimal jQuery table sort plugin which allows you to resort rows of a table by mouse drag and drop.
jQuery Plugin To Convert HTML Table To CSV - tabletoCSV
- Table - 53406 ViewstabletoCSV is a minimalist jQuery tool used to convert / export an html table into a CSV (Comma Separated Values) file.
jQuery Plugin To Create Multilevel Collapsible Table Rows - Tabelizer
- Table - 27425 ViewsTabelizer is a simple jQuery plugin used to create treeview-style multilevel, collapsible, hierarchical table rows with grouping indicators.
Simple jQuery Dropdown Table Filter Plugin - ddtf.js
- Table - 41356 Viewsddtf.js is a really simple jQuery table filtering plugin which allows the visitor to filter table columns using dropdown lists.
jQuery Plugin To Create Draggable Table Data - tableDragAndDrop
- Table - 3330 ViewstableDragAndDrop is a jQuery plugin which allows you to make table rows / columns draggable and droppable via left or right mouse click.
jQuery Plugin For Responsive Mobile-friendly Tables - Table MB
- Table - 1313 ViewsTable MB is a jQuery responsive table plugin that converts your multi-column table into a two-column table to provide better user experience on mobile devices.
jQuery Plugin To Render Tables From JSON or JS Objects - Table Renderer
- Table - 7309 ViewsTable Renderer is a jQuery plugin which enables you to generate a table from a JSON dataset or JavaScript objects.
jQuery Plugin To Enable Multi Rows Selection On Table - Row Selector
- Table - 5487 ViewsRow selector is a really small jQuery plugin which enable the multiple rows selection in your html table.
Minimal jQuery Plugin For Custom Table Sorting - ordertable
- Table - 2231 Viewsordertable is a simple, lightweight jQuery plugin which allows you to re-order specified columns and rows in a table according to cells contents.
Easy jQuery Table Manipulation Plugin - table.js
- Table - 10359 ViewsA jQuery data table plugin for table data manipulation that features inline editing, keyboard navigation, data serialization, data formatting and much more.