Free jQuery data table Plugins
All the Free jQuery Plugins about 'data table' are listed here.
Excel-like CRUD Data Grid Library - Handsontable
- Table - 81566 Viewshandsontable is a powerful, flexible, feature-rich, Excel-like CRUD data grid/table library for JavaScript, Angular, React, and Vue.js.
10 Best Spreadsheet-like Data Grid Libraries In JavaScript (2025 Update)
- jQuery Script Blog - 44090 Views10 best JavaScript data table libraries that help developers convert a regular HTML table into a spreadsheet-like data grid for organization, analysis and storage of data in tabular form.
10 Best Data Table/Grid Systems In JavaScript (2025 Update)
- jQuery Script Blog - 31461 Views10 best jQuery & Vanilla JavaScript plugin to generate flexible, dynamic data tables (data grids) on the web applications.
Performant Data Table Plugin With jQuery - dgtable
- Table - 2869 ViewsA performant, customizable, dynamic data table jQuery plugin for presenting large data set in a sortable, filterable, scrollable, and draggable table view.
Easy Data Table Generator with JSON - Tabulator
- Table - 48632 ViewsTabulator is a feature-rich jQuery plugin used for generating simple or complex data tables from any JSON data.
Load Data Asynchronously In Data Table - jQuery ajaxTable
- Table - 4586 ViewsA feature-rich and AJAX-enabled data table jQuery plugin that loads & displays data asynchronously from a specific data source.
Feature-rich Data Table Plugin For Bootstrap 5/4/3/2
- Table - 52085 ViewsBootstrap Table is a responsive, dynamic, extendable, multifunctional, and highly-customizable jQuery data table plugin for Bootstrap 4, Bootstrap 3 and Bootstrap 2.
Tiny Dynamic Data Table Plugin For Bootstrap 5 - Raytable.js
- Table - 14389 ViewsA lightweight yet feature-rich data table / data grid plugin styling with the popular Bootstrap 5 framework.
Full-featued CRUD Data Grid Component - tui.grid
- Table - 23180 Viewstui.grid is a robust data grid component helps you dynamically render larger data in a performant, feature-rich data grid in a minute.
Sortable/Filterable/Resizable/Customizable Data Table Plugin - jQuery Herotable
- Table - 1845 ViewsA jQuery plugin that transforms any HTML table into an interactive data table featuring sorting, searching, scrolling, resizing, show/hide columns, footer summation, pagination, and more.
Dynamic Spreadsheet-like Data Grid - jExcel
- Table - 61666 ViewsA powerful jQuery and Vanilla JavaScript plugin which lets you dynamically generate a spreadsheet like CRUD data grid (table) from local JS data or even JSON, CSV, XSLX files.
Powerful and Customizable jQuery Data Table/Grid Plugin - supergrid.js
- Table - 2353 ViewsA powerful, flexible, and customizable data table/grid jQuery plugin for manipulating and displaying tabular data on your webpage.
Responsive Form Table Plugin - jquery.manage.form.tables.js
- Table - 5121 ViewsSimplify form table management with jQuery. A jQuery plugin designed to streamline adding, deleting, and validating table rows with ease.
jQuery Plugin To Duplicate & Resort Table Rows - Dynamicrows
- Table - 5821 ViewsDynamicrows is a small jQuery plugin that makes it possible to clone and remove any element (e.g. form fields) in a table row with just one click.
Dynamic CRUD Data Grid Library - appendGrid
- Table - 94079 ViewsappendGrid is a powerful jQuery table plugin that turns the standard html table into adynamic and editable data grid. You can add, remove, edit, move up, move down records
Convert HTML Tables Into Interactive Data Tables - jQuery ztables
- Table - 3649 ViewsA lightweight & feature-rich jQuery plugin that turns your HTML tables (or JSON data) into interactive data tables with advanced features.
JSON To Excel-like Data Grid - jQuery Magictable
- Table - 4426 ViewsA jQuery plugin that transforms JSON data into an Excel-style data grid with advanced features like filtering, sorting, editing, progressive data loading, and much more.
Performant Data Grid Plugin For jQuery - Huge Grid
- Table - 2364 ViewsA simple jQuery plugin used to generate a fully responsive, high-performance, feature-rich, and highly customizable data table/grid from large amounts of data.
Powerful Data Table Plugin For JavaScript & jQuery - Datatable.js
- Table - 1939 ViewsA JavaScript plugin that generates a feature-rich data table that supports any data type such as static HTML table, JS arrays, JS objects, and Ajax JSON data.
Convert HTML Table Into Spreadsheet - jQuery sheetjs
- Table - 7627 ViewsA jQuery plugin that converts large HTML tables into spreadsheet-style data grids for better display and manipulation of tabular data.
Sortable Draggable Dynamic Table Plugin - JSIronTable
- Table - 5797 ViewsJSIronTable is a jQuery based dynamic table generator plugin that provides an easy way of adds a sortable & draggable data table to your web app.
Paginate, Filter, And Sort Dynamic Data In A Table - Table Sortable
- Table - 98389 ViewsThe Table Sortable jQuery plugin helps you render a customizable dynamic data table from JSON or JavaScript objects, with paginate, live filter, and data sort capabilities.
Easy Dynamic HTML Table Manipulation Plugin - jQuery OliverEditTable
- Table - 4249 ViewsAn easy HTML table manipulation plugin for dynamically generating an editable, cloneable HTML table from an array of objects containing tabular data.
Powerful jQuery Table Manipulation Plugin - DataTables
- Table - 30502 ViewsDataTables is a very powerful Jquery Table Plugin for better table manipulation.
Sortable/Editable Table Generator Plugin - jQuery ediTable
- Table - 8051 ViewsediTable is a lightweight (9kb) jQuery CRUD Table plugin which dynamically renders editable and sortable data tables from plain HTML and/or JSON data.
Full-featured Dynamic Data Table Plugin - Folium
- Table - 5935 ViewsFolium is a jQuery data table plugin for creating spreadsheet-like CRUD data grids with sorting, filtering, pagination, and custom cell rendering support.
Excel-like Interactive Table With Keyboard Navigation - Tablenav
- Table - 9254 Viewstablenav is a very small jQuery plugin for creating spreadsheet-like data table with input fields and keyboard navigation support just like the Microsoft Excel.
Spreadsheet-like Data Grid With Cell Editing - rsLiteGrid
- Table - 3672 ViewsrsLiteGrid is a simple, dynamic, editable data table plugin where the users are able to edit/save cell content just like in a spreadsheet.
Dynamically Add/Remove Table Rows Using jQuery - rowfy
- Table - 9500 Viewsrowfy is a jQuery plugin that creates a new column containing Add/Subtract buttons in the html table. Your users are able to dynamically duplicate/remove table rows by clicking the +/- buttons.
AJAX Based CRUD Table Plugin For jQuery - jtable
- Table - 18154 Viewsjtable is a jQuery plugin that automatically creates HTML table and loads records from server using AJAX.
Navigate Between Table Cells Using Arrow Keys - Arrow Table
- Form - 10340 ViewsArrow Table is a jQuery plugin for editable tables that enable the user to navigate between table cells containing input fields (or any other trigger elements) using arrow keys.
Spreadsheet-style Data Table Plugin For jQuery - Dynamic Table
- Table - 10626 ViewsA dynamic, AJAX-driven, Spreadsheet-style data table plugin with jQuery that features filtering, sorting, cell editing, performant scrolling and more.
Dynamic CRUD Data Grid Plugin With jQuery - Quickgrid
- Table - 12324 ViewsA powerful jQuery data grid plugin which dynamically parses and presents your JSON data (or JS arrays/objects) in a filterable, editable, sortable and paginatable CRUD data table.
Feature-rich Dynamic Data Grid Plugin - editable-grid
- Table - 5963 Viewseditable-grid is a jQuery plugin used to dynamically render a complex, multi-functional, CRUD data grid using Bootstrap's table component.
Excel-Like jQuery Data Table Plugin - xTab
- Table - 18702 ViewsxTab is a jQuery plugin extends the standard Html table to make it behave like a Microsoft Office Excel-like spreadsheet.
Excel Style Editable Table Plugin With jQuery - Excel Table
- Table - 13230 ViewsExcel Table is a jQuery plugin which converts a standard HTML table into an Excel-style spreadsheet with support for edit, paste, undo, drag-to-copy, etc.
Powerful Data Grid Plugin For Bootstrap - jQuery Bootgrid
- Table - 18184 ViewsBootgrid is a lightweight yet flexible, powerful jQuery plugin used to render a dynamic, AJAX enabled, highly customizable data grid for Bootstrap pages.
Versatile Data Table jQuery Plugin For Bootstrap - bsTable
- Table - 3450 ViewsbsTable is a jQuery plugin for handling tabular data that enables you to create Bootstrap-styled searchable/filterable/sortable/downloadable data tables with ease.
Easy Inline Editor For HTML Tables - jQuery fullTable
- Table - 21984 ViewsfullTable is jQuery plugin that lets you create a dynamic CRUD (create, read, update, delete) table with sorting, filtering, input validation and client side value processing.
Dynamic Data Grid Plugin For Bootstrap - jQuery bbGrid
- Table - 8211 ViewsbbGrid is a jQuery plugin for Bootstrap that lets you render dynamic data grids from JSON data, with support for pagination, searching, filtering and collapsing/expanding.
Ajax-enabled Dynamic Data Table Plugin - jQuery zoiaTable
- Table - 3583 ViewszoiaTable is a jQuery plugin for rending a dynamic AJAX data table with support for pagination, sorting, filtering and client/server side value processing.
Flexible Data Table Plugin With jQuery And PHP - OpenDataTable
- Table - 11242 ViewsOpenDataTable is a jQuery plugin used to render flexible, dynamic, sortable, searchable, pagintable, editable data tables from PHP & MySQL data sources.
Enable CRUD Operations Inside HTML Table - jQuery dynamicTable
- Table - 18980 ViewsA lightweight jQuery CRUD data table plugin which allows the user to add/remove/edit/export tabular data in a dynamic HTML table.
Lightweight Dynamic Data Table Plugin For jQuery - dataTable.js
- Table - 5391 ViewsA lightweight, easy-to-use jQuery plugin for generating a dynamic data table with support for pagination, filtering, ajax loading, live editing and more.
Pivot Table Generator With jQuery And JSON Data - createTableJSON
- Table - 11975 ViewscreateTableJSON is a jQuery plugin that enables you to dynamically render complex pivot tables from local or external JSON data.
Spreadsheet-like Tabular Data Manipulation Plugin - Tabular Input
- Table - 7408 ViewsTabular Input is a jQuery plugin that generates a Spreadsheet-like data table / grid with specific number of rows/columns and input fields.
Flat AJAX/JSON Table Plugin With jQuery - Table Populator
- Table - 13710 ViewsTable Populator is a dynamic table plugin for rendering a flat style data table with pagination, filtering and sorting using remote data via AJAX request.
Minimal Paginatable Data Grid Plugin For jQuery - H Grid
- Table - 2407 ViewsH Grid is a really small (~3kb minified) jQuery plugin used to render a high-performance data grid from any JSON / JS data, with custom pagination support.
JSON API Driven CRUD Data Table Plugin With jQuery - Cruddy
- Table - 11598 ViewsCruddy is a jQuery & Bootstrap plugin used to assist with JSON API driven CRUD tasks.
Feature-rich Responsive Data Grid Plugin With jQuery - Grid.js
- Table - 9685 ViewsGrid.js is a customizable jQuery data grid plugin that features inline editing, AJAX loading, responsive design, paging, sorting, top toolbar and collapsible grid rows.
Dynamic Table Operation Plugin With jQuery - Tabullet
- Table - 14291 ViewsTabullet is a simple, lightweight jQuery plugin which provides basic table operations (add / delete / edit rows) on your html table.
Minimal Dynamic Data Table Plugin For jQuery - Smart Table
- Table - 3209 ViewsSmart Table is an ultra-light jQuery data table plugin for presenting tabular data with built-in sorting, pagination and filtering options.
Simple Flexible jQuery Data Table Plugin - datagrid.js
- Table - 4831 Viewsdatagrid.js is a simple, extendable and Bootstrap-compatible jQuery data table plugin which helps you render dynamic data grids with pagination, filtering and sorting.
jQuery Plugin For Bootstrap Based Data Table - Bootstrap Data Table
- Table - 50098 ViewsA small yet robust jQuery plugin to make a dynamic Bootstrap data table with support for filtering, pagination and sorting.
Easy jQuery Table Manipulation Plugin - table.js
- Table - 10386 ViewsA jQuery data table plugin for table data manipulation that features inline editing, keyboard navigation, data serialization, data formatting and much more.
Simple jQuery Editable Table Plugin For Semantic UI
- Table - 23001 ViewsA jQuery based table plugin that uses Semantic UI to create a nice looking editable data table on your web application.
jQuery Plugin To Convert CSV File Into Data Table
- Table - 21277 ViewsA JavaScript library that uses jQuery CSV to parse your CSV file and convert data into a searchable, filterable, sortable data table based on jQuery datatables plugin.
jQuery Plugin For Generating Google Charts From Tables - Chartinator
- Chart & Graph - 7597 ViewsChartinator is a jQuery data visualization plugin that makes use of Google Charts to render a variety of charts from existing table content.
jQuery Plugin To Convert JSON Data Into Html Tables - MounTable
- Table - 19297 ViewsMounTable is a lighweight jQuery plugin which automatically converts user provided JSON objects into an editable Html table / spreadsheet for further use.
jQuery Plugin To Generate Google Charts From Tables - gvChart
- Chart & Graph - 5512 ViewsgvChart is a minimal yet accessibility jQuery plugin that renders interactive Google charts from existing data tables to visualize data on your website.
jQuery Plugin To Generate A Table From A CSV File - CSV Parser
- Table - 46088 ViewsCSV Parser is a minimal jQuery based CSV reader that generates a data table from a CSV file on your web page.
jQuery Editable Data Table with Custom Fields
- Table - 52420 ViewsCustom Fields is a jQuery & Bootstrap based data table which allows you to add, edit or delete custom fields with ease.
Tiny jQuery Plugin For Creating An Editable Table - editTable
- Table - 12852 ViewsA basic jQuery implementation of editable table that help you edit your individual table cells in place.
Simple Data Grid/Table Plugin with jQuery and Bootstrap
- Table - 38281 ViewsA simple jQuery plugin to creates a nice looking data grid/table from an ajax data source (JSON Data), built upon of jQuery, jQuery UI and Bootstrap3.
Stylish Editable Table Plugin with jQuery and Bootstrap 2/3 - Editable Table
- Table - 47774 ViewsEditable Table is a table manipulation plugin that turns a standard Html table into a responsive in-place editable spreadsheet with input validation based on jQuery and bootstrap 2/3.
jQuery Plugin To Convert JSON Data Into Data Grid - Columns
- Table - 34574 ViewsColumns is a powerful & ajax-enabled jQuery plugin that converts JSON data into a filterable, searchable and paginated data grid.
Windows 8 Style jQuery Data Table Decorator - Metreaux Tables
- Table - 5903 ViewsMetreaux Tables is a jQuery plugin to create nice, clean, themeable, andmodern Windows 8 UI Style data tables with the power of DataTables jQuery javascript library.
jQuery Plugin For Data Table Filting and Selecting - checkit
- Table - 8567 Viewscheckit is a jQuery plugin for advanced data filtering and selecting tool to improve the manipulation experience of the data table with huge data.
Style and Manipulate Data Tables - tablecloth
- Table - 5198 Viewstablecloth is a jQuery Plugin that enables to style and manipulate data tables using CSS and JS bootstrap.