Free jQuery EU Cookie Law Plugins
All the Free jQuery Plugins about 'EU Cookie Law' are listed here.
Show And Hide Cookie Consent Banner Using localstorage
- Other - 6423 ViewsA simple cookie consent plugin to make your Bootstrap powered website comply with the European cookie law.
10 Best Free GDPR Cookie Consent Banner Plugins In JavaScript
- jQuery Script Blog - 25677 Views10 best and free GDPR Cookie Consent Banner plugins to make your site or webapp comply with EU Cookie Law and GDPR (ePR)
Cookie Consent Settings Modal With jQuery And Bootstrap
- Other - 13660 ViewsShow a Privacy Settings modal popup that informs users how your site collects/uses their privacy data and allows them to accept/reject specific cookies.
Cookie Consent Notice Plugin For Bootstrap 5/4 - cookieAlert.js
- Other - 36767 ViewscookieAlert.js is a JavaScript Cookie Consent Notice plugin which allows your web app to comply with the EU cookie law by alerting users that your site has cookies.
Enhanced Cookie Consent Bar In jQuery - cookie-consent.js
- Other - 2311 ViewsAn easy-to-use and highly customizable cookie consent bar that informs your visitors about the use of cookies in your website.
Block Third-party Cookies Until Receiving User Consent - jQuery Cookie Banner
- Other - 1404 ViewsAsk users if they allow the cookie to be set or not and block third-party cookies injected by external resources until they accepts them.
Sticky Cookie Accept Banner In jQuery - cookit.js
- Other - 5526 Viewscookit.js is a tiny yet configurable jQuery cookie consent plugin to create a sticky bottom cookie bar that informs your users about the use of cookies on your website and asks them to agree to accept cookies.
Multilingual Cookie Consent Banner With jQuery - serialcookie
- Other - 1197 ViewsA simple, customizable, multilingual cookie consent banner plugin that enables your visitors to load the specified assets when they consent to the use of cookies on your site.
Configurable GDPR Cookie Consent Popup - jQuery popupConsent.js
- Other - 4938 ViewsA jQuery plugin that allows your page and web app to comply with European Cookie Law and GDPR.
Multi-language Cookie Notice Bar Plugin - cookieBar
- Other - 8946 ViewsJust another jQuery based cookie notice plugin that makes your website & blog comply with the European cookie law and GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation).
GDPR and Cookie Consent Modal for Google Analytics - jQuery CookieKit
- Other - 3467 ViewsDisplay a GDPR and Cookie consent modal and dynamically insert Google Analytics tag into the document when your visitors accept the data collection policy.
Tiny Clean Cookie Consent Bar In jQuery - GRT
- Other - 3744 ViewsGRT Cookie Consent is a super tiny jQuery plugin to make your website comply with the GDPR and EU cookie law.
GDPR Compliant Cookie Consent Popup Plugin - jQuery ihavecookies.js
- Other - 75033 Viewsihavecookies.js is a lightweight, easy-to-style jQuery plugin to inform your users that your site has cookies and to make your website comply with the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) and EU cookie law.
Small Configurable EU Cookie Law Notice Bar Plugin - cookieBar
- Other - 3078 ViewsJust another jQuery plugin for helping webmasters/bloggers with cookie consent that creates a small bar with a short message about the use of cookies and other forms of local storage.
jQuery Plugin To Display EU Cookie Law Alert Popups
- Other - 14636 ViewsA lightweight jQuery notification plugin that displays a fully customizable cookie alert popup to make your website compliant with the General Data Protection Regulation(GDPR) and EU Cookie Law.
Sticky Cookie Consent Bar Plugin - cookieMessage.js
- Other - 11077 ViewsThe cookieMessage.js JQuery plugin lets you create a sticky Cookie Consent Bar on the bottom of the webpage to make your web app comply with the GDPR and European cookie law.
Beautiful Cookie Consent & Compliance Popup Plugin - jQuery cookieBubble
- Slider - 5619 ViewscookieBubble is a jQuery plugin for creating a configurable, beautiful Cookie Consent & Compliance popup to inform EU users that your website uses cookies.
GDPR Cookie Consent Notification With Bootstrap 4 - bsgdprcookies
- Other - 16244 Viewsbsgdprcookies is a jQuery plugin which lets you create GDPR/RODO compliant Cookie Consent/Cookie Usage notification popup using Bootstrap 4 modal component.
GDPR Cookie Compliance Plugin With jQuery - gdpr-cookie
- Other - 17724 ViewsYet another jQuery GDPR plugin for cookie policies that displays a GDPR Cookie Consent Notice popup with the ability to opt-in and opt-out of the various types of cookies.
Sticky Header Notification Bar Plugin - jQuery stickyalert.js
- Other - 4040 Viewsstickyalert.js is a jQuery plugin to create a customizable, dismissable, cookie-enabled notification bar that remains fixed to the top after scroll.
Customizable EU Cookie Notice Popup Plugin - jQuery CookiePopup.js
- Other - 3555 ViewsA simple, responsive cookie acceptance jQuery plugin that allows your web app to comply with EU cookie law, in a non-obtrusive way that conforms to your site's style.
Minimal EU Cookies Law Notice Plugin For jQuery - Cookiebar
- Other - 3994 ViewsCookiebar is a jQuery plugin that displays a sliding top or bottom notification bar with accept/decline/policy buttons to informing the users your website has cookies.
Tiny Customizable EU Cookie Law Notification Plugin With jQuery - cookiefy
- Other - 1889 ViewsYet another jQuery based EU Cookie Law Notification Plugin for alerting the users about the use of cookies on your website.
Simple EU Cookie Law Notice Popup Plugin With jQuery - Qookies
- Other - 3124 ViewsQookies is a jQuery plugin that displays your cookies disclaimer in a popup window to make your website comply with the EU cookie law.
Sticky EU Cookie Law Notification Plugin with jQuery - herbyCookie
- Other - 1778 ViewsherbyCookie is a jQuery plugin that displays an animated EU-implied cookie disclaimer bar at the bottom of the webpage with support for Html5 local storage.
Simple Cookie Disclaimer Bar / Modal Plugin with jQuery - Cookie Disclaimer
- Other - 5588 ViewsCookie Disclaimer is a lightweight jQuery plugin that create a custom Cookie Disclaimer bar to make your website comply with the EU Cookie Law.
jQuery Plugin For Customizable EU Cookie Law Notice - Cookie Banner
- Other - 1751 ViewsJust another jQuery plugin that displays customizable, styleabe and dismissable EU Cookie Law Notice on your webpage.
Responsive EU Cookie Law Notice Plugin For jQuery - Cookies Message
- Other - 7010 ViewsCookies Message is a jQuery plugin used to show a responsive, highly customizable EU Cookie Law message box with Accept and More Info buttons to the end users.