Free jQuery Reading Progress Indicator Plugins
All the Free jQuery Plugins about 'Reading Progress Indicator' are listed here.
10 Best Reading Progress Indicators In JavaScript & CSS (2025 Update)
- jQuery Script Blog - 12946 ViewsWant to have a Reading Progress Indicator to improve the user experience? Here are the 10 best reading progress indicators implemented in jQuery, Vanilla javaScript or Pure CSS.
Slim Scroll Progress Indicator With jQuery
- Other - 900 ViewsA tutorial on how to create a slim top progress bar using jQuery/CSS to indicate how far the page has been scrolled down.
Fixed Top Progress Bar For Reading/Scroll Progress
- Other - 1302 ViewsA jQuery plugin to create a fixed top progress bar representing the current scroll & reading position of your article or the entire webpage.
Horizontal & Vertical Scroll Progress Bars In jQuery
- Other - 3862 ViewsA jQuery script to create a horizontal or vertical progress bar that fills up as the user scrolls down the webpage.
Mouse Follow Scroll Position Indicator With JavaScript And CSS
- Other - 1862 ViewsA slim vertical progress bar with percentage value that always follows the cursor to indicate the user's current scroll position on a webpage.
Visualize Reading Progress Using Bootstrap Progressbar
- Other - 1996 ViewsA simple script for creating a fixed progress bar with the current percent text that auto updates on scroll to representing the current scroll position.
Determine Browser Scroll Percentage In jQuery - ScrollMonitor
- Other - 863 ViewsScroll Monitor is a tiny jQuery plugin to detect how much the page is scrolled and trigger a function when reaching a certain scroll percentage.
jQuery Scroll Progress Indicator For Any Containers - Prognroll
- Other - 2587 ViewsProngnRoll is a tiny jQuery plugin that creates a slim progress bar to indicate the scroll / reading progress of a specific scrollable container or the whole webpage.
Vertical Gradient Scroll Progress Bar In jQuery And CSS
- Other - 2076 ViewsThis is a small script that helps you generate a vertical gradient reading progress indicator to replace the native browser scrollbar.
Reading Progress Indicator That Follows Your Cursor
- Other - 2218 ViewsA jQuery/CSS/SVG based circular reading progress indicator that automatically updates on page scroll and always follows your cursor.
Smooth Back To Top Button With Scroll Progress Indicator
- Other - 9851 ViewsA jQuery/CSS/SVG based smooth back to top button with a circular progress bar which indicates the current reading progress when scrolling down/up the webpage.
Minimal Page Scroll Progress Bar Plugin - jquery.progress.js
- Other - 2918 ViewsThe progress.js jQuery plugin lets you create a customizable slim page scroll progress bar on the top of bottom of the webpage.
jQuery Plugin For Page Scroll Progress Bar
- Other - 5165 ViewsA super tiny jQuery plugin for creating a fixed progress bar to indicate the page scroll progress based on your content.
Slim Reading Progress Bar For Article - readingBar
- Other - 1099 ViewsThe readingBar jQuery plugin generates a slim bottom bar that auto updates on scroll to indicate the current reading progress of a given article or post.
Sticky Reading Progress Nav Bar With Smooth Scroll Support
- Menu - 3857 ViewsA fancy responsive sticky reading progress bar to indicate how much of the main content has been read based on a user's scroll position. Written in jQuery JavaScript library.
Wraparound Scroll Position Progress Bar With jQuery
- Other - 1328 ViewsA wraparound progress bar that automatically updates based on the current scroll position as you scroll down or scroll up the webpage. Built with jQuery and plain HTML/CSS.
Top Scroll Progress Indicator Plugin With jQuery - Scrollgress
- Other - 2573 ViewsJust another jQuery scroll progress indicator plugin which keeps track of scroll events and visualizes the scroll depth into a slim progress bar at the top of the webpage.
Sticky Reading Progress Bar With jQuery - progressBar.js
- Other - 1634 ViewsThe progressBar.js jQuery plugin creates a sticky, customizable reading progress bar to visualize the remaining reading time of a given article or the whole webpage as you scroll down.
Sticky Scrolling/Reading Progress Indicator With jQuery
- Other - 3290 ViewsThis is a small jQuery script that creates a sticky progress bar to visualize the current reading progress of a given article or the whole webpage.
Customizable Reading Progress Plugin For jQuery - article-progress
- Other - 828 Viewsarticle-progress is a jQuery plugin used to create custom progress bars that indicate the current reading progress of a given article & blog post or the whole webpage.
Easy jQuery Affix,Scrollspy And Reading Progress Plugin - newsAffix
- Other - 1510 ViewsnewsAffix is a jQuery affix / scrollspy / reading progress plugin used to generate a sticky header navigation & scroll progress indicator for your long web content.
Responsive Scroll Position Indicator Plugin With jQuery - scroll.js
- Other - 2722 Viewsscroll.js is a really simple jQuery plugin that creates a progress bar to indicate the user's current scroll position on your website.
Reading & Scrolling Progress Indicator with jQuery - Scroll Indicator
- Other - 3589 ViewsScroll Indicator is a super tiny jQuery plugin for creating a slim, responsive reading progress bar that increases with the scroll of the container.
Simple Custom Reading Indicator with jQuery - VerLim.js
- Other - 1044 ViewsVerLim.js is a small jQuery plugin that shows a progress bar with a scroll counter to indicate the reading progress of the whole web page as you scroll down.
Circular Scroll Progress Indicator with jQuery and CSS3 - progressScroll
- Other - 4972 ViewsA tiny jQuery plugin to create a CSS3 powered circular scroll progress indicator that auto updates based on the current vertical scroll position of the page.
jQuery Plugin To Display A Reading Progress Indicator On Scroll
- Other - 3984 ViewsA jQuery plugin that creates a reading indicator for your long webpage to indicate the scroll progress and the current content section you're viewing.
jQuery Plugin For Simple Scroll Position Indicator - Scrolline.js
- Other - 3123 ViewsScrolline.js is a simple jQuery plugin that creates a dynamic progress bar for your audiences to indicate the reading/scroll position. More examples can be found in the zip.
Creating A Circular Reading Progress Indicator with jQuery and SVG
- Other - 2865 ViewsA small jQuery plugin that draws an animated circular SVG progress bar with percentage to indicate the reading progress on your web page.