Free jQuery cover flow Plugins
All the Free jQuery Plugins about 'cover flow' are listed here.
Versatile Touch-enabled Slider Plugin With jQuery - EasySlides
- Slider - 16391 ViewsEasySlides is a fancy jQuery slider plugin to create responsive, mobile-friendly content carousels with minimal markup.
Responsive Image Cover Flow Plugin with jQuery and CSS3 - flipster
- Slideshow - 76115 Viewsflipster is an amazing and touch-enabled jquery plugin that allows you to create an image Cover Flow effect with CSS3 3D transform and flipping effects.
3D Rotating Carousel Plugin with jQuery and three.js - Image Gallery Threejs
- Gallery - 24868 ViewsImage Gallery Threejs is a jQuery & three.js based 3D rotating carousel/slider that allows you to cycle through an array of images with familiar cover flow effects.
Cross-browser Coverflow Carousel Plugin - jQuery dnSlide
- Rotator - 5041 ViewsdnSlide is a lightweight and easy-to-use jQuery plugin to create a cross-browser, coverflow-style carousel from a sequence of images.
CSS3 Animated Cover Flow Rotator Plugin For JQuery - Yys-Slider
- Slider - 6781 ViewsYys-Slider is a jQuery plugin used to create a pretty cool, cover flow-style image showcase slider/rotator using CSS3 transitions and transforms.
3D Cover Flow-Style Image Carousel Plugin with jQuery - Cloud 9 Carousel
- Slider - 49460 ViewsCloud 9 Carousel is a cool jQuery & Html5 based carousel plugin that has the ability to continuously rotate/slide a set of images with the familiar 3D 'cover flow' effect.
Powerful jQuery Plugin For Cover Flow Effect - Vanderlee Coverflow
- Animation - 10092 ViewsVanderlee Coverflow is a jQuery and jQuery based plugin for creating Apple cover flow effects with optional mousewheel, CSS3 interpolation, keyboard interaction, transformations, touch swipe, reflections and more.
Easy Coverflow Carousel Plugin For jQuery - Carousel.js
- Rotator - 13613 ViewsA cross-browser (IE8+) jQuery plugin used for create a coverflow-style 3D perspective image carousel / rotator with convenient configuration options.
Responsive 3D Image Rotator with jQuery and CSS3 - mk-3Dcarousel
- Rotator - 4249 Viewsmk-3Dcarousel is a jQuery & CSS3 based carousel plugin used to create a 'coverflow' style responsive image rotator with 3D perspectives and reflections.
3D Image Carousel / Slider Plugin For jQuery - jcImgScroll
- Slider - 2741 ViewsjcImgScroll is a simple jQuery plugin for creating a 3D perspective image rotator / carousel similar to the familiar "cover flow" effect.
Coverflow-like 3D Carousel Gallery with jQuery and CSS3
- Gallery - 5571 ViewsA jQuery, HTML5, CSS / CSS3 based carousel gallery which allows you to rotate infinitely through a series of images with keyboard interaction.
Responsive 3D Cover Flow Gallery Plugin with jQuery
- Gallery - 19935 ViewsresponsiveGallery is a jQuery plugin helps you to create a responsive, coverflow-style image carousel/gallery with 3D perspective transforms.
Basic Cover Flow-style Image Carousel Plugin - Sliding Carousel
- Slider - 5553 ViewsSliding Carousel is a simple lightweight jQuery plugin that showcase your images in a cover flow-style carousel slider.
Cover Flow-style Image Carousel/Slider with jQuery and jQuery UI
- Slider - 6925 ViewsCreating a cross-browser and fully customizable cover flow-style image carousel/slider with jQuery and jQuery UI.
jQuery Carousel Image Gallery with Cover-flow Effect - jqcarousel
- Gallery - 26164 Viewsjqcarousel is a jQuery plugin for creating a 'cover flow' like image gallery with infinite rotation support.
Coverflow-Style Image Carousel Plugin For jQuery - Carousel Evolution
- Slideshow - 18887 ViewsAn easy-to-use jQuery plugin to create an infinitely looping image carousel/slideshow with mouse wheel support, a little similar to the familiar 'cover flow' effect.
Creating A 3D Coverflow Slideshow with jQuery and CSS3
- Slideshow - 12173 ViewsAn Apple-style coverflow slideshow which allows you to navigate through a series of slides by clicking the navigation buttons or an inactive cover.
Minimal 3D Perspective Carousel with jQuery and CSS3 - 3D Carousel
- Rotator - 34517 ViewsA super light (~2kb) jQuery plugin to create a cover-flow style flux 3D carousel using CSS3 transform, transition and perspective.
3D Rotating Carousel Plugin with jQuery and CSS3 - Circular Carousel
- Slider - 93592 ViewsCircular Carousel is a jQuery plugin for creating a 3D cover flow-style content carousel using CSS3 transitions and transforms.
360 Degree Rotating Carousel with jQuery and CSS3 - rotataDiz
- Slider - 9218 ViewsrotataDiz is a simple lightweight jQuery carousel plugin that allows you to rotate a set of images with CSS3 transitions and transforms.
jQuery Cover Flow-Like List Animation Plugin - skywheel
- Animation - 4471 Viewsskywheel is a simple jQuery plugin for easily creating Cover Flow-Like interface with Html unordered list and CSS3 transforms.
Cover-flow Effect with Image Reflection Effect Using jQuery and jQuery UI - qpcoverflow
- Slideshow - 5216 Viewsqpcoverflow is a simple jQuery & jQuery UI component that replicates the familiar cover flow effect with image reflection to scroll through an array of images.
jQuery Based Cover Flow Photo Gallery
- Gallery - 3010 ViewsIt is a simple and very easy to use jQuery Gallery Plugin to display your photos in 3D Animation Effect.