jQuery Text Plugins
Download Free jQuery Text Effect, Text Animation, WYSIWYG Text Editor, Text Resize, Text Rotator and other text related plugins at jQueryScript.Net. Page 15 .
Random Text Print Animation Plugin With jQuery - textShake
- Animation - 850 ViewstextShake is a fancy, configurable text animation plugin for jQuery that enables you to print any text with a random char combination effect.
jQuery Plugin For Preventing Orphans In Text - Fixorphan.js
- Text - 446 ViewsFixorphan.js is a jQuery plugin for modern web typography that prevents orphans at the end of a paragraph you specify.
jQuery Plugin To Translate Webpage In A Given Language - localizationTool
- Text - 41593 ViewsA jQuery based localization tool for international websites that translates the text (strings) in a given language selected from a dropdown list.
Truncate Multi-line Text With jQuery - readMore
- Text - 1635 ViewsreadMore is a lightweight, cross-browser jQuery multi-line text truncation plugin that allows to excerpt your long text content depending on number of lines.
Gradient Text Effect In jQuery - Gradient.Text.js
- Text - 3308 ViewsGradient.Text.js lightweight jQuery text colorizer which lets you create gradient/rainbow text using CSS linear-gradient function.
Simulate Typing And Deleting Text With jQuery - qwerty.js
- Animation - 2105 Viewsqwerty.js is a super tiny jQuery plugin which makes it easier to simulate typing and deleting text letter by letter on your webpage.
Copy Text With Structure & Formatting To Clipboard - jQuery copiq
- Text - 5894 Viewscopiq is a copy to clipboard plugin for jQuery library which allows you to copy and paste any text while preserving the text structure and basic formatting (e.g. bold and italic).
Limit Length Of Text By Lines Or Characters - jQuery ellipsis.js
- Text - 4146 Viewsellipsis.js is a simple, lightweight, responsive jQuery text truncation plugin for truncating long text within a container based on the number of lines or characters.
Simple jQuery Plugin For CSS3 Text Animations - Curvy Text
- Animation - 2208 ViewsCurvy Text is a configurable jQuery text animation plugin which animates the text character by character or word by word using CSS3 transforms and animations.
Generate Random Ipsum Lorem Snippets With jQuery - Ipsum
- Text - 693 ViewsYet another dummy text generator for jQuery that allows you to generate random Ipsum Lorem Snippets for model content.
Easy Text Animation Creation With jQuery - animatext
- Animation - 2652 Viewsanimatext is a lightweight, customizable jQuery plugin used to print text strings character by character or word by word, with CSS3 or JavaScript powered animation effects.
Copy Text Selection To Clipboard - jQuery Copy.js
- Text - 2797 ViewsCopy.js is an extremely lightweight jQuery copy to clipboard plugin that allows copying any text you specify to the clipboard using document.execCommand('copy') API.
Edit Any Element In Place - jQuery Editable
- Text - 10022 ViewsEditable is a simple, touch-friendly inline editing jQuery plugin which converts any valid html elements into an editable area when double clicking/tapping on it.
Basic Text Editor With Line Numbers - jQuery LinedTextDiv
- Text - 3151 ViewsLinedTextDiv is a lightweight jQuery plugin which converts any Div or Pre elements into a scrollable text/code editor with support for line numbers and custom scrollbars.
Auto Change Text CSS Rules On Scroll - jQuery Unobscure Text
- Text - 5430 ViewsUnobscure Text is a jQuery plugin which dynamically changes the text color when you scroll the webpage to a specific position.
Truncating Text By Number Of Lines - jQuery ellipsis
- Text - 9757 Viewsellipsis.js is a responsive multi-line text truncation plugin that truncates your long text by a specific number of lines and adds "..." to the end of the word.
jQuery Plugin for Typing In Input with Amazing CSS3 Effects - Fancy Input
- Form - 7794 ViewsFancy Input is an amazing jQuery form plugin that adds fancy CSS3 effects to your input fields when users typing in.
jQuery Plugin To Type Out Text Character By Character - typeText
- Animation - 2319 ViewstypeText is a very small jQuery plugin to simulate the typewriter effect that types each letter of a container one character at a time.
Copy Text To Clipboard Plugin - pcsCpClipboard.js
- Text - 985 ViewsJust another JavaScript plugin that allows to copy any text inside a specific container to the clipboard with just one click.
jQuery Plugin To Create Animated Placeholders - placeholderTypewriter
- Text - 2048 ViewsplaceholderTypewriter is a small, fancy jQuery plugin which applies a typewriter style text typing animation to the placeholders within your text fields.