jQuery Text Plugins
Download Free jQuery Text Effect, Text Animation, WYSIWYG Text Editor, Text Resize, Text Rotator and other text related plugins at jQueryScript.Net. Page 18 .
jQuery Plugin To Style The Last Line Of A Text - lastlineclass.js
- Text - 804 Viewslastlineclass.js is a super small jQuery plugin that gives you the ability to apply any CSS styles to the last line of a specific text element.
jQuery Plugin For Rotating Text With A Blur Effect - BlurSwapper
- Rotator - 1380 ViewsBlurSwapper is a text-based carousel plugin that allows to rotate through an html list of text with fading and motion blur effects.
Simple WYSISWYG Rich Text Editor with jQuery and Bootstrap
- Text - 17597 ViewsA simple jQuery plugin used to attach a customizable WYSISWYG rich text editor toolbar to your editable area, styled with Bootstrap and Font Awesome.
Simple Html WYSIWYG Editor Plugin with jQuery - Cazary
- Text - 13968 ViewsCazary is a jQuery plugin that converts textarea fields or other Html elements into simple, customizable WYSIWYG rich text editors for easier content editing.
Simulating Typing, Deleting And Selecting Text With jQuery - typewrite
- Animation - 6404 Viewstypewrite is a tiny jQuery typing animation plugin which allows to simulate someone typing, deleting and selecting given words defined in the JavaScript.
Easy Horizontal Text Scroller Plugin For jQuery - autoScrollTextTape
- Animation - 11082 ViewsautoScrollTextTape is a responsive, horizontal text scroller plugin that makes your long text auto move left and right when it overflows its parent container.
Simple WYSIWYG Markdown Editor With jQuery And Bootstrap
- Text - 7310 ViewsBootstrap Markdown Editor uses jQuery, Bootstrap 3, Ace.js and Marked.js to create a simple, clean WYSIWYG markdown editor with live preview support. Key features: 3 editor mode: edit, fullscreen and live preview. Supports for image uploadi
Responsive Text Truncating Plugin For jQuery - TruncateJS
- Text - 1008 ViewsTruncateJS is a tiny jQuery plugin used for truncating multi-line text with respect to its container's height that automatically refreshes on window resize.
jQuery Plugin For Text Typing & Deleting Effects - AddTyping
- Animation - 4115 ViewsAddTyping is a simple yet customizable jQuery plugin for creating text typing & deleting effects to simulate a typewriter effect on the webpage.
Simplest Lorem Ipsum Generator With jQuery - Ipsum.js
- Text - 2076 ViewsA lightweight and dead simple jQuery plugin used to generate random Lorem Ipsum placeholder text with a specified amount of characters.
Easy Flexible Syntax Highlighting Plugin For jQuery - Syntaxy.js
- Text - 832 ViewsSyntaxy.js is a simple, flexible, extensible, themeable code syntax highlighter designed for all syntax languages.
Minimal jQuery Based Chat Simulator - FakeChatBot
- Text - 4797 ViewsFakeChatBot is a jQuery plugin used for creating a multi-line text typing effect to simulate chat messages on the webpage.
jQuery Plugin To Create Pretty Chat Bubbles - chatbubble.js
- Text - 5700 Viewschatbubble.js is a dead small jQuery plugin used to create mobile-style chat/speech bubbles with a message typing effect on your html page.
jQuery Plugin For Terminal Text Typing Effect - Typewriter
- Animation - 1526 ViewsTypewriter is a very small jQuery plugin which simulates the terminal / typewriter like typing effect for your text and even html content.
Google Web Font Picker Plugin With jQuery And jQuery UI - Webfont selector
- Text - 2604 ViewsA jQuery / jQuery UI based web font picker that allows the user to choose a Google web font from a dropdown font selector.
Minimalist jQuery Text Truncation Plugin - Curtail
- Text - 3069 ViewsCurtail is an ultra-light jQuery plugin which adds the text truncation and read more/less functionalities to your long text block.
Notepad++ Style Syntax highlighting Plugin With jQuery - syntaxPP
- Text - 1476 ViewssyntaxPP is a very small jQuery based code syntax highlighter that display your source code in different colors as you seen in the famous Notepad++ application.
Vertical Text Scrolling Plugin With jQuery - scrollText.js
- Animation - 17573 ViewsscrollText.js is a jQuery plugin used for creating a vertical text scroller that scrolls vertically through a list of text content just like the obsolete HTML marquee feature.
Create A Text Flow View Using jQuery And Canvas - textflow
- Text - 1505 Viewstextflow is a simple yet fully configurable jQuery plugin used to create a text flow view that animates an array of text on an HTML5 canvas element.
Simple Text Rotator Plugin with jQuery and CSS3 Animations - Morphext
- Animation - 14435 ViewsMorphext is a jQuery text rotator plugin for rotating a group of words/phrases of your text with cool CSS3 animations using animate.css.