jQuery Text Plugins
Download Free jQuery Text Effect, Text Animation, WYSIWYG Text Editor, Text Resize, Text Rotator and other text related plugins at jQueryScript.Net. Page 13 .
Show/Hide Long Text Based On Max Length - jQuery show-hide-text
- Text - 12129 Viewsshow-hide-text is a small jQuery based 'Truncate Text By The Number Of Characters' plugin which enables the users to show and hide long text with Read More and Read Less links.
Minimal WYSIWYG Markdown Editor With Instant Preview - jQuery Markdown live
- Text - 6558 ViewsJust another jQuery based WYSIWYG markdown editor that features instant preview, customizable editor bar and multiple instance on one page.
jQuery Plugin For Displaying Estimated Time To Read Text
- Text - 2661 ViewsEstimated Reading Time is a lightweight yet useful jQuery plugin that displays the estimated reading time and word counter for your web content.
Easy Emoji Picker With jQuery And Twemoji - lsxemojipicker.js
- Text - 9023 ViewsThe lsxemojipicker.js jQuery plugin makes use of Twitter's Twemoji library to create a Unicode emoji picker on your modern web app.
jQuery Plugin For Auto Resizing Text - textfill
- Text - 7791 Viewstextfill is an useful jQuery text plugin that automatically resizes your text within a container to make the font size of the text as big as possible.
Configurable Text Wave Effect In jQuery - textWave.js
- Animation - 2832 ViewsjQuery textWave.js is a small jQuery text animation plugin used to create a fancy, fully configurable Text Wave effect by zooming the text letter by letter.
Basic Unicode Emoji Picker With No Images - jQuery emojiFace.js
- Text - 4943 ViewsemojiFace.js is a simple yet useful jQuery plugin that adds a basic emoji picker to your text field using Unicode emoji characters and with no images.
Mobile-first Rich Text Editor With jQuery - Rich Text Format
- Text - 6033 ViewsRich Text Format (RTF) is a minimal clean jQuery based rich text editor designed especially for mobile devices.
Make Element Editable With Tinymce Support - jQuery Textifyed
- Text - 5206 ViewsTextifyed is a jQuery Inline Editor plugin which makes any element editable, with Tinymce WYSIWYG HTML editor support. The plugin also has the ability to hide the long content which is more than 3 lines with Read More and Read Less links.
Anchor Link Typing Animation In jQuery - jTyper
- Animation - 2061 ViewsjTyper is a really simple jQuery plugin to create typewriter style typing animations that supports both plain text and anchor links.
Spread Long Text Between Multiple Containers - jQuery Spread
- Text - 357 ViewsA lightweight jQuery plugin that makes it possible to spread long blocks of text content between multiple chained containers.
Animated Read More Plugin For Long Content - jQuery readMore.js
- Text - 5608 ViewsreadMore.js is a small jQuery plugin to create a Read More button to expand a long block of text content shrunk by height.
Easy jQuery Markdown Editor with Instant Preview - mdejs
- Text - 4757 Viewsmdejs.js is an easy-to-use jQuery plugin used to create a clean, WYSIWYG-style markdown editor with instant preview on the webpage.
Basic Edit In Place Plugin jQuery - jQuery eip.js
- Text - 4757 Viewseip.js is a very small (2kb minified) jQuery edit in place plugin for Bootstrap that allows you to click and edit web content instead of in a separate panel.
Configurable Fading Animations For Text - jQuery TextFade
- Animation - 1192 ViewsTextFade is a lightweight jQuery text animation plugin which shows and hides text with random or sequential fade in and fade out animations.
Basic WYSIWYG HTML Editor With jQuery
- Text - 5285 ViewsThis is a small jQuery script that makes use of contentEditable and document.execCommand API to create a responsive, TinyMCE style WYSIWYG HTML Editor for editable web content.
Print Text Line-by-line With Typing Effect - jQuery TypeWriter
- Animation - 1912 ViewsYet another jQuery text animation plugin which prints text line-by-line with a typing animation similar to the typewriter and terminal.
Auto Link Keywords In The Document - jQuery linkit.js
- Text - 1626 Viewslinkit.js is a jQuery SEO plugin for internal links that automatically link keywords and phrases with custom styles and behaviors in the document.
User-friendly Web Content Editor With jQuery UI - Hallo
- Text - 793 ViewsHallo is a convenient and user-friendly jQuery & jQuery UI plugin which generates floating or fixed text editors using the HTML5 contenteditable element.
jQuery Plugin For Cropping Text Without Breaking Words - Limit Text
- Text - 1920 ViewsLimit Text is a lightweight, cross-browser, and user-friendly jQuery text truncation plugin which truncates long text by characters and hides overflowing content using ellipsis (...) without breaking a word in half.