Canvas Based Plotting Plugin With jQuery And D3.js - CanvasPlot

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Canvas Based Plotting Plugin With jQuery And D3.js - CanvasPlot

CanvasPlot is a powerful, interactive JavaScript plotting library which allows to visualize your large data sets using jQuery, D3.js and Html5 canvas element.

How to use it:

1. Load the required jQuery and D3.js libraries in your html document.

<script src="/path/to/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="/path/to/d3.min.js"></script>

2. Load the CanvasPlot's JavaScript and Style sheet in the document.

<div id="Container">

3. Prepare your data in the JavaScript.

var myData = [[-1,5], [0.5,6], [5,-2.5], [6,1], [10,9], [20,-55]];

4. Create a new CanvasDataPlot object with options.  Supported plot types:

  • Scatter Plot: CanvasDataPlot(parentElement, canvasDimensions, config)
  • Time Series Plot: CanvasTimeSeriesPlot(parentElement, canvasDimensions, config)
  • Vector Time Series Plot: CanvasVectorSeriesPlot(parentElement, canvasDimensions, config)
  • Plot Groups: CanvasDataPlotGroup(parentElement, canvasDimensions, config)
var myPlot = new CanvasDataPlot("#maincontainer"), [1000, 900], {
    xAxisLabel: "IQ",
    yAxisLabel: "Test Score",
    markerLineWidth: 3,
    markerRadius: 5

5. All default configuration options.

plotLineWidth: 1,
maxInformationDensity: 2.0,
showMarkerDensity: 0.14,
gridColor: "#DFDFDF",
markerLineWidth: 1,
markerRadius: 3.0,
xTicksPerPixel: 1.0/92.0,
yTicksPerPixel: 1.0/40.0,
minCanvasWidth: 250,
minCanvasHeight: 150,
legendMargin: 10,
legendXPadding: 5,
legendYPadding: 6,
legendLineHeight: 11,
plotMargins: {
  top: 20, 
  right: 20, 
  bottom: 30, 
  left: 65
showTooltips: true,
tooltipRadius: 5.5,
xAxisLabel: "",
yAxisLabel: "",
updateViewCallback: null,

6. API methods.

var myPlot = new CanvasDataPlot("#maincontainer"), [1000, 900], {
    // options here

addDataSet(uniqueID, label, dataSet, colorString, updateDomains, copyData);
addDataPoint(uniqueID, dataPoint, updateDomains, copyData);
updateDomains(xDomain, yDomain, makeItNice);

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by a-johanson. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.