jQuery Layout Plugins
Download Free jQuery Grid Layout, Pinterest-Style Layout, One Page Scrolling, Tabs, Tree View plugins at our jQuery Layout Plugin section. Page 21 .
Google Tips-Like Flip Layout with jQuery and CSS3 - Tip Cards
- Layout - 2025 ViewsTip Cards is an awesome jQuery plugin inspired by Google Tips that helps you create an animated & responsive web layout with amazing flipping effects based on CSS3 transitions and transforms.
jQuery Sorting Plugin with Native HTML5 Drag and Drop - draganddrop
- Layout - 2161 ViewsDraganddrop is a small and easy jQuery plugin that allows you to rearrange a group of html elements with native HTML5 Drag and Drop feature.
Simple jQuery Plugin For Matrix Style Grid Layout - Gridly.js
- Layout - 5387 ViewsGridly.js is a simple jQuery plugin used to create a matrix style grid layout that can be customized via data-* attributes in the div elements.
jQuery Plugin For Golden Ratio Web Grid Layout - StayGolden
- Layout - 2032 ViewsStayGolden is a cool and interesting jQuery plugin that dynamically generates a responsive grid layout based on the Golden Ratio.
Dynamic Drag and Drop Grid Layout Plugin - shapeshift
- Layout - 25395 Viewsshapeshift is a jQuery Grid Plugin that can dynamically arrange a collection of elements into a grid in their parent container with drag and drop functionality.
jQuery Snap Scrolling Plugin For Single Page Website - snapscroll
- Layout - 9531 Viewssnapscroll is a lightweight (~2kb) jQuery plugin designed for one page scrolling website that provides snapping functionality to enhances the scrolling experience.
jQuery Plugin For Placeholder Images From Flickr - PixelHoldr
- Layout - 690 ViewsToday I'm going to introduce a fancy jQuery plugin called PixelHoldr that allows you to get placeholders to fill the container with random images from flickr.com based on specific keywords.
Easy jQuery Image Auto Resizing and Alignment Plugin - Image Scale
- Layout - 7 ViewsA useful and easy-to-implement jQuery plugin that automatically resizes and aligns your image to fit within its container with many scale and alignment options.
Responsive & Dynamic Full Screen Navigation Plugin - fullpagenav
- Layout - 2628 Viewsfullpagenav is an amazing jQuery plugin that turns an unordered list into a responsive and dynamic full page navigation with smooth transition animations.
A Smart jQuery Plugin For Fixed Position Elements - Auto Fix Anything
- Layout - 1446 ViewsAuto Fix Anything is a lightweight yet smart jQuery plugin that automatically fix or unfix the position of any html containers like header, sidebar, footer, etc.
Responsive jQuery One Page Scrolling Layout with Fixed Background
- Layout - 12427 ViewsFixed Scroll Background is a jQuery plugin for creating responsive and full-screen One Page Scrolling website layout with fixed scrolling background and smooth selection effects.
Stylish jQuery Tabs Plugin With Events and Skins Support - Ion.Tabs
- Layout - 3051 ViewsIon.Tabs is an easy and touch-friendly jQuery tabs plugin that allows you to create stylish and customizable tabbed content with callback events and skins support.
Minimal jQuery Tabs Interface Plugin - tabs.js
- Layout - 3222 Viewstabs.js is a super simple jQuery tabs plugin for easily creating tabbed panels with just one line of javascript code. No animation. No CSS. No images.
jQuery Plugin For Equalizing The Height of Your Elements - Equal Height Columns
- Layout - 1762 ViewsEqual Height Columns is an useful jQuery plugin that equalize the height of elements to make them have the same height.
jQuery Plugin For Responsive Project Showcase - AppStore.js
- Layout - 2565 ViewsAppStore.js is a ultra-light jQuery plugin that generates a responsive grid layout from a JSON data file for showcasing your projects like posts, Apps, products, and more.
Simple jQuery Sticky Plugin - hachiko
- Layout - 599 Viewshachiko is a lightweight (~2.5kb minified) and easy-to-use jQuery plugin that makes any elements sticky on the screen when scroll down the page.
jQuery Plugin For Animated Captions Over Images - Captall
- Layout - 2233 ViewsCaptall is a jQuery plugin that has the ability to create animated captions over any DOM element, not only images.
jQuery Fluid Content Scroller Plugin For One Page Navigation
- Layout - 1991 ViewsFluid Content Scroller is a jQuery plugin which makes navigation through long item lists like news, events, blog posts, etc. smooth and easy.
jQuery Dynamic One Page Scrolling Plugin - Scrolld.js
- Layout - 7713 ViewsScrolld.js is a highly customizable plugin for jQuery and jQuery UI that provides a way to create one page scrolling with amazing smooth animation effects.
jQuery Google+ Albums Image Layout Plugin - Bricks
- Layout - 2116 ViewsBricks is a small jQuery plugin that has the ability to automatically arrange the images or DIVs to fit the window's size, similar to the google plus albums image layout.