Customizable Cross-platform Modal Plugin For jQuery - Prowl

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License: MIT
Customizable Cross-platform Modal Plugin For jQuery - Prowl

Prowl is a lightweight yet highly customizable jQuery modal plugin which lets you create animated, fully responsive, nice clean modal windows on your desktop & mobile webpages.

How to use it:

1. Load the jQuery Prowl's main and theme CSS files in the head section of the html document.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="prowl.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="prowl_theme.css">

2. Load the jQuery Prowl's script after jQuery but before you close the body tag.

<script src="//"></script>
<script src="prowl.js"></script>

3. Structure a basic modal with HTML.

<a class="open" data-prowl-target="example">Open the modal</a>
<div class="prowl">
  <div class="prowl-overlay">
    <div class="prowl-modal" data-prowl-id="example">
      <h2>It's a modal!</h2>
      <div class="button toggle">Close</div>

4. Multiple modals can also be created, just point the target of the toggle to the id of the modal:

<a class="open" data-prowl-target="modal-one">Open first modal</a>
<a class="open" data-prowl-target="modal-two">Open second modal</a>
<div class="prowl">
  <div class="prowl-overlay">
    <div class="prowl-modal" data-prowl-id="modal-one">
    <div class="prowl-modal" data-prowl-id="modal-two">

5. Initiate the modal by using the class used for the toggle and pass an options object if needed:


6. Available & default options for the Prowl plugin:


  // default CSS classes
  containerClass: '.prowl',
  toggleClass: '.prowl-toggle',
  overlayClass: '.prowl-overlay',
  modalClass: '.prowl-modal',

  // background color
  background: 'rgba(149, 155, 160, 0.57)',

  // fade, reveal, swash and drop
  animate: 'fade',

  // the speed of the animation in ms
  duration: 200,

  // the modal closes when the escape key is pressed
  closeOnEscape: true,

  // open or closed
  state: 'closed'

7. API methods:

const myModal = $('.open').prowl()

// opens the modal;

// closes the modal

// returns opened/opening/closed/closing

// toggles the current state

// pass a color and check if it is valid for the overlay background

8. Callback functions:

  onOpen: () => {
    console.log('Modal has opened')
  onClose: () => {
    console.log('Modal has closed')
  onOpening: () => {
    console.log('Modal is opening')
  onClosing: () => {
    console.log('Modal is closing')

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by aotik. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.